A dealer refuses to honor an agreement to return aftermarket equipment from my trade-in. I must complain directly to Toyota. Can't locate the name and address of Toyota's regional sales manager for the area that includes Maryland and DC. Can anyone help? Regards, all . .
Do you have this "agreement" in writing? If not, then there is no agreement. If you do, then just show them a copy and take your stuff.
Not helpful there, 2k1Toaster. I asked for a Toyota contact, not a lesson in consumer law. My agreement consists of a hand written offer on note paper for trade-in value, new car price, Toyota financing, with the only condition that my aftermarket towing hitch and baseplate be returned. The dealer discovered that my baseplate served as the trade-in's bumper reinforcement. To return it means an unprofitable replacement with OEM parts. The dealer thinks this was a hidden deficiency at inspection and test drive. One more time. Any online source out there for Toyota's regional sales offices and managers. Thanks.
I would tell you, you need legal advise on this, but you'd just tell me you don't need a lesson on the law, so I'll not say anything.
If you want your hitch back, you need to give them the bumper reinforcement back for exchange, because you took it out. For example if you want your after market HID headlight back, you need to put the originals back.
You call the Toyota number found on the website, complain, then they will escalate the case or not. For you, I doubt they can do anything. When you buy your car, you are buying it from a franchised dealership. The agreement you make is with them, NOT Toyota themselves. Toyota already made a similar agreement with the dealership. Dealership buys cars from Toyota, you buy a car from dealership. You do NOT buy a car from Toyota. Toyota is who generally warrants their product, so warranty work and so on is billed to you by the dealership at 0 cost, and then the dealership bills Toyota for the amount of the repair work. You have no recourse from Toyota over an agreement that had nothing to do with them. It is like if someone bought your computer, lets say Dell, and your agreement is for cash, a soda pop, and a yo yo in exchange for the PC. If you never get the soda pop, you can't call up Dell and make them enforce your agreement. They had nothing to do with it other being the brand of the item sold. You might get more helpful answers if you aren't so snarky. As I said before, if you have it in writing, which you do it seems like, then just demand the hitch be returned to you. If they don't you will have no problem proving your case in small claims court. But if you are lying about the paper and all you have is an oral agreement, well that is worth the paper it is printed on meaning absolutely nothing. Most dealerships have clauses in the purchase agreement that specifically state that you are to 100% ignore anything anybody told you about the car, the deal, the financing, everything. The only thing that matters is the contract you are signing. Which means if the salesman promised you a unicorn, the second you sign the purchasing agreement that unicorn promise better be in that contract as an amendment or it didn't happen and you have absolutely 0 recourse.
The hitch was on the car when they inspected it and gave you an offer. The real problem is the used car side of the dealership doesn't like the loss that the new car sales side agreed to. And the used car side gave a number to the new car side without knowing that there would be a condition that could tie up the car for a while while they get parts and cost them labor. The paper you have. Notes you took? Signed by someone in authority at the dealership? Small claims court?
All good points but needing some comment. 1. Toyota, while not party to this agreement, is nevertheless obsessively concerned with the quality of its dealers. Consider the phone calls and detailed questionnaires the firm emails after sales and service experiences. A complaint to the regional office may lead to resolution. For the dealer, complaints have consequences. Along with average buyer ratings and few superior scores, they lead directly to paying more for new inventory - - this according to my dealer's sales manager. 2. True, written agreements are prudent. But oral agreements are valid if neither party later disputes the terms. That's the case here, plus my written and accepted offer to buy. BTW, I found my source for regional sales contacts.
No I did not. But more importantly, neither did the dealer after inspecting, road testing, and accepting my trade-in.
There is a lot more to #2. But the killer is that I have never seen a car contract that doesn't have a clause in it specifically saying any oral agreements previously made are rendered invalid upon signing. It is in every new car and used car purchase agreement I have ever signed or seen from at least 5 dealerships.