I will be traveling in the Smokey Mountains for work over the next three weeks. Anyone in similar topography have any idea of the MPG I should be expecting and how the C handles some of the larger inclines? I am considering taking my wife's Honda but reallllly want to take my new Prius (especially since I get paid expenses by the mile). Thanks!
Well from what research I've seen, be sure to put the car into "B" mode instead of just coasting down those hills, it stops the car from over charging the battery by using the engine as a brake (or at least that's the impression I've gotten from reading on here..)
The firmware will not let the battery overcharge. Using your brakes will accomplish the same thing as 'B'. If the battery is fully charged, the hydraulics will take over the braking chores.
What's MGP? It's fine. I drove to Big Bear over the winter camp with no problem and got around 60 MPG.
If you know the hill will fully charge the battery even in B mode, I'd think it's best to use B for an even amount of engine braking and regen, as opposed to recharging to the point of the ICE revving, then relying solely on engine brake and possibly friction brake.
MGP is auto-correct's idea of a good guess. I hope to get 60 a gallon on this trip, lots if inclines assisted by lots of declines.
I live on a hill across a valley 9.2 miles from the parking lot of the USMC base theater. I learned using the Google Earth App there is a 1028 ft. downhill drive to the movie. Over 40 trips to the base I average 118 MPG. Driving uphill home, I have been averaging 54.2 MPG. The Prius C gets fantastic MPG going downhill. Where I get my worst MPG is short distance trips on flat ground or long hill slopes...
The Prius C does really well in mountains. When I drove to Florida in it shortly after we got it, we went right through West Virginia. I drove like a Semi. I slowed slightly up the mountain, coasted down. If it was particularly steep I stuck it in B. Some of my best mileage from the trip was my stint through WVa. Not what I expected.
Well, I just got back from my first overnight trip to the mountains from work. I am happy to say, I had no issues keeping up with traffic on very steep grades and my average mileage for the trip (about 650 miles round trip) was about 49 mpg, which was spot on my regular average.
Just did that. Running Gatlingburg to Cherokee and back at a average speed just under 60 mph netted 43 mpg. Yes, run at nite and without the dreaded RV's. Lord help you if you get in one of those 'trains'. The Honda will be faster unless its in a train. You can take the side trip to Clingman's Dome. great at daybreak or sundown. BTW if you come from the NC side jusdt wait'll you experience the I40 climb to Ashville. Check that mpg at the speed limits.