The NY Press can be harsh on it's teams and players when times get rough. It is the sports equivalent of Microagressions. If Arod is retired from the Yankees hope they take the high road. He is innocent until proven guilty However it does not look good for him now.
It amazes me that these guys that get paid tens of millions of dollars per year to throw a ball around would be so quick to "throw" it all away.
Many dope just to keep up with the competition which is other players doping. Perhaps baseball should be similar to the Olympics random tests on everyone with advanced screening technology. I hate to say it but the Commissioner need's to step up the screening. Arod may get paid in part on his contract. A-Rod could still see big payday even if career is over - Jul. 31, 2013
See, they probably see it as making sure they get those 10s of millions instead of a couple million. If you have a nagging injury, and if you can just get healed up enough to put up decent numbers this year, you know you can get an extension for $20M. You hear there is some supplement that can help you do that, and you probably won't get caught. Is it worth $20M to you? I'm guessing most average Joes would go for the money. It isn't like some athlete who does some moronic thing to get himself arrested and cut the next day. That is throwing it away. Say what you want about the integrity of the game and whatever, but I can also understand where some guys come from. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make an obscene amount of money playing a sport. They want to max it out. Hit quote instead of edit in Tapatalk. Oops.
So... he'll have to confess and come clean in order to not be permanently banned... that's tough for the dirtbag side of him to do... I don't know if his "pride" will allow for that to happen.
Pride is an interesting topic. Remember recently this video: Women that can't take a compliment? The sequel could be men that can't say they were wrong. We see it on forums like this all the time. Even when the stakes relative to A-Rod's are nothing. For example: "I get better fuel economy at 70mph or (75mph)." I've seen this one several times. It's posted by someone that wants to speed and trying to justify it by saying it works for them. Others will post you will definitely get better fuel economy at 50mph due to the sharply decreased wind resistance - physics makes this indisputable. But pride will never get this speeder to admit this. I've seen people that drive gas guzzlers get squeamish as well.
The timeline in this link is pretty fair > A-Rod's career: superhero becomes villain - NBC Sports | NBC Sports He's on a trajectory similar to Lance Armstrong, except Lance was better liked at his peak. Don't know if his pride will blind him from fessing up what everyone knows. Confessing won't be dignified - just less undignified. Then the Yankees are going to try to void his contract - very interesting.
The unofficial rumor is Arod will be offered a suspension for the remainder of 2013 and the entire 2014 season a 217 game penalty USA TODAY
This is not as simple as: "Did A-Rod juice?" As previously mentioned, the Yankee's might find this a very convenient way to void his $275M contract. There is also the Baseball Commissioner - Bud Selig. Remember that the player's union was so powerful, Selig could not do anything during the steroids scandal...only when Congress threatened to pass a Federal law against it, did the union finally blink. I think Selig is smarting from that and ready to kick some a$$. He also wants a legacy. When he rules, I might almost feel for A-Rod and the rest, but not quite. Report: Bud Selig is prepared to tear up the drug agreement just to get A-Rod out of baseball | HardballTalk
I believe the Yankee contract is iron clad so they have to pay him in part. Arod may just retire and move on to the next chapter. He owns a MB dealership in Houston. Than again he may do a Rocky Balboa type comeback and surpass Bonds and go down in history as the HR King. America loves a comeback story. This needs to be sorted out first. Interesting article above Bud may play hardball and evoke executive privilege and push Arod out. Then it goes to court which Arod is trying to avoid