2013 Prius Three with 5.000 miles. Dealer ran a scan with no results and summited a claim with Toyota. Anyone have this happen. My voice Recognition feature quit working. Now when pushing the button on the steering wheel for voice activation, I get a message on the MFD that "Voice Recognition is not available". It had been working. I spent several hours self- diagnostics: two different phone and OS, reloaded Entunes, various button presses: hole, double click, triple clicks, etc. At the same time, the weather, Pandora and iHeart icons became muted and stopped working. All worked previously. I've emailed both Entune and Toyota asking if I may have inadvertently turned it off. They say no. Help
Is there a way to perform a complete re-set of all the nav system software? Seems like I saw that in the settings somewhere.
The dealer can restore it to factory default and get them to reinstall 2.2.0. get them to try it before getting a new box There are no settings to turn off VR.
Might depend on your software version, NAV versions, etc. I have the HD NAV and ATP, there are options for setting the volume to "off" as well as disabling various parts of the voice system. Its all in my manual.
TS should be using Display Audio with Entune, on that system no way to turn off VR unlike your system for all software revision. I don't think there is a package upgrade which is avail to upgrade to your system.
entune voice only works with pushing the softkey on the headunit. VR voice setting is found under Setup Hardkey -> General -> Next page -> Volume Settings -> voice dialog volume.
Zephyr7, You are making a reference to the General set-up instructions on the Head Unit for the VR volume control. I've made that setting. In fact this is one of the first item I checked, and the dealer also confirmed it was set correctly. Thanks. It appears that this VR malfunction is a very isolated case, which is the only silver lining in this whole troubleshooting process. I was hoping that when I contacted Toyota they would inform me a situation, as you described, where I inadvertently turned down the volume, or tuned the unit off. I'll keep looking!
It's all over. Dealer could never find the problem with the VR not working from the button on steering wheel, so they replaced the transfer module of the head unit and all is well! Thank for your posts.
Now my dealer said it has a bad extension module. Replacement would cost of $1,400.00, but they might be able to locate a salvaged unit for less. They tried to upgrade the software but now the MFD is dead and displays the message: “In software update mode. Please insert the valid software update stick”. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks