I'd like to know how many others are having this problem. There is a small plastic piece in front of the rear wheels, not sure what it's called but it's similar to a small mudflap but in the front of the rear tire area. I bought my 2012 Prius v new in January 2013. Within the first 500 miles the screw holding this plastic piece fell out (right rear side). The first I knew of it was when I noticed the plastic piece was dangling. My friend also purchased a 2012 Prius v in April of this year. Last month the same thing happened to her Prius v on the same side. Now with a little over 6,000 miles on mine the screw holding the plastic piece up on the left rear has fallen out - see photos, even though I had checked this screw to see if it was tight when the first one fell out. I haven't been to the dealer yet but I'm just amazed. This is my fifth Toyota vehicle and I've never had screws falling out before! Anyone else? What in the world is going on?
They are NOT screws. They are nylon expanding "push rivets." They have been in use since the mid-1980's as an alternative to screws and threaded fastener. Better than the current version is a "ratcheting" push rivet with a Phillips "screw." I used them for years, and they NEVER released from tension od the part pulling the out. More often problematic has been the push rivets holding the "oil change" access door on the Gen III and the front under engine splash panel. The two solutions are the Phillips center screw "ratcheting" push rivets. You push them on and remove them as you'd remove a Phillips screw. Race car builders swear by them. Installers use them for roof racks and side view mirrors. They work life "POP" rivets but allow the user to put secure threads in thin sheet metal. Better yet would be to replace these rivets with a M5 rivet nut or threadsert and a Phillips machine screw. I've used the rivet nut in several places on my own Prius"v." They will almost never come loose.
Okay, you're a little confused. The push rivet you see in the photo is not what I'm talking about. That is still there, and is what is keeping the plastic piece from falling off entirely. But there is a screw, or a threaded bolt, whatever you want to call it, that holds the plastic piece up. That is what has fallen out.
You're right, I went out and checked that area on my own Prius"v." It appears that the 10mm hex head sheet metal screw hold the black plastic part to the plastic "rocker panel" cover. The screws are the sheet metal type and "form" or cut threads into the plastic. It appears that, on your car, they were "over torqued" and stripped out. If you took it to the dealer, all they'll do is to drive another sheet metal screw into the plastic right next to the stripped out hold. The two better solutions are to "bolt" the pieces together or to drill it out and use a nylon "push rivet." If it was my car, I'd use the Phillips head "push rivet." Thy are available at most auto parts stores.
Thanks for checking yours. I actually have a push rivet holding it up right now until I can get to the dealer. I think you're right about the screws being stripped. When I was installing my mud flaps in the rear, I had to remove the rear wheels. I checked the screws in the rear wheel area and many of them appeared to be stripped. I couldn't tighten them - they just turned, so I'll have the dealer check those as well. What surprised me, and prompted this post, was when the same thing happened to my friend's Prius v. That got me to wondering how many more people have had this problem. Thanks again for your feedback.
I updated my post. Be aware that all the dealer will do is to drive another sheet metal into the plastic parts right next to the stripped out hole. The problem is likely to happen again. I believe that, while my solution takes more time and work, it will last longer.