I searched the forums but didn't find anything. Is there a way to turn off the messages about connecting to the internet and the warning about the data usage when connecting your phone? I just want it to connect. I could care less about the data as I have a rather large plan and don't need to worry about it. I just want it to automatically do it and not have to press on the screen three times.
I just got my new 2013 Prius 4 Saturday. I have the same issue with these stupid multiple warnings. There appears to be a way to select to disable them under the Bluetooth settings for the registered phone. But here's the brilliant part: if you have an iPhone, you MUST use the USB connection. The second you hook it up, you get these multiple warnings. And two of them are the SAME warning. I don't mind having to accept a SINGLE confirmation that I want the car to use my phone for internet. But THREE???? Between this and the GPS that's four things I have to confirm every time I start the car. I don't want to have to go through a pre-flight checklist every time I need to run a 10 minute errand. Why would Toyota inflict this total annoyance on its customers? My service techs are trying to figure out if there's any way to disable these via additional resources they have. When I showed it to them the first time, it was like they had never seen this before. But they fully understand the issue and they are opening a technical case with Toyota to see if there is any way to change this, and, if not, to have the head unit firmware program updated to fix this (God knows how long that will take). I'll update when I get the car back later today.
Well.....no dice. Nothing they can do at the dealer. Reported to Toyota they need to fix. Can't believe how they could screw this up so badly. iPad ? HD
I was able to turn mine off pretty easily. It was one of the first things I did. It's in the setup somewhere (not MID setup); I will look tomorrow for specifics. Sometimes it still comes on, but if I back up (disabling the prompt so it can display the backup camera) before agreeing to connect to the Internet, it accepts my preferences and skips the data warning. I think it sometimes connects to Entune before reading my prompt preferences.
There are ways to disable it under BLUETOOTH settings for each phone. But if you want to use Entune with an iPhone you have to connect via USB and there does not appear to be any way to disable those warnings. It's astonishing they would acknowledge that they know people would want to disable this.....and made a check box for it under Bluetooth, but then failed to do the same thing for USB connections.
JG_in_SB is right: it's under Bluetooth settings for each phone (there's a little gear thingy by each paired device). Go in there and uncheck the data and roaming warnings, and it will work (most of the time) even though you connect he iPhone through USB. I say "most of the time" because if the car connects too quickly, you'll still get the warnings.
Yes. It is intermittent. I actually found fully disabling Internet Bluetooth connection for the phone helps too but does not eliminate. My best workaround is to not run the Entune app on my iPhone. When you connect to USB you get ZERO pop up warnings but full iPod functionality including cover art. Then, if you decide you want to use some Internet based service, you launch Entune on the iPhone and you just get the one pop up asking if you want to use the phone to connect to the Internet....no duplicate data warnings. You hit yes and it says its connected. So until they fix this thing, I am just gonna leave Entune deactivated on the phone for all my short trips around town, and then I can activate it if I need traffic data in nav or I want to use BING! to add a destination in nav (which works beautifully BTW). I like the USB hookup because it charges the phone and also somehow keeps the screen awake but dimmed, which is extremely useful at night. Hope this info is helpful.