A few of us have chatted about it... er.. mentioned it. So, let's create a meet. We've been to Napa, Shoreline, ... that one are with the bridge... uh.. uh.. East bay... and there was a meet back in Oct? where was that? Where would you guys like to meet. Give some good listing, then we'll create a poll. I like the Peninsula area. Not because it's a closer location than the east bay.. but because i like the Peninsula atmosphere more. Napa is cool too.. but.. uh.. guys.. that was very few of us, and it took forever.. and it actually took gas money. hehe.
I am just a few hours away, and would love to be able to meet, but this month is crazy busy... hopefully I can get to one of the CA meets!
i only put Feb because i didn't want to be using this post a year later.. like the old "new Prius meet" post. not sure when... and since you're the first response.. when would be good for you? This is a very flexible group
Well, this month is just bad because I am in the process of remodeling a home so I can move in, and then I have a business trip at the end of the month, so anywhere from mid March on- that's be awesome!
hehe.. ok.. so i was reading this post lol... it's true.. we are too tiny.. and i've been gone too long. Apparently i'm the only person bored enough to keep this group semi organized. BTW... i did see the oct 30th meet post.. er.. reference to it. those numbers are normal in remote locations. I could probably guess who the few people were who showed up. hehe. So... let's create a Standard meet time. This will also include standard meet locations. I was thinking every even month.. second saturday. So that would be 2-11 4-8 6-10 8-12 10-14 12-9 so.. yeah.. i guess we'll include december. I was thinking of splitting things into sections. Peninsula, South, East, North, Ocean, and.. uhh... december will always be random? hehe.. don't know.. maybe we'll make the last meet at my house. I don't know. lol Ideas? i'm bored, can you tell? and they say boredom is unproductive. Little did they know it's the root to everything. muahaha... or not.. lol
It was at Crissy Field, to possibly get good pics of the bridge as backdrop---for possible calendar inclusion. Actually, 13 total people, including 4 spice, attended, and including Marin John, who stopped by for a few minutes. But there were another half-dozen who indicated they'd come, but didn't.
13.. that's a pretty good showup. i thought i read 5 or something along those lines. *shrug* o well good job on the meet. Is my date idea crazy or something. i noticed no comments. I know i want to set up an annual meet. The annual will be at Shoreline. It's right off highway so it's easy for everyone.... except Northbay... How many people are from the Sea area on here. Eventually i'll ask everyone their location. This way we can pick optimal locations.
Hi Everyone Yes, the October meet was well attended. Though some of the people who were driving Priuses and not looking for us probably thought we were nuts as we waved at them! We wore costumes and everything. We even had one Highlanded Hybrid costumed as a Prius! It was the Highlander's older, but smaller brother, so it was all in the family. It was fun to look at the Highlander though. February is bad for me too. Nicholaus William Davis (grandson #4) is scheduled for birth Feb 10th, so he won't be any later than this week for sure. And then there is the usual insanity of a new baby in the family (though not in my house, his parents have their own house in Half Moon Bay). Everything but St Pat's weekend (Moose will be 17 on the 17th) is currently available in March. I live in San Jose, so anything south of the Golden Gate works ok. Lisa
I'm in Santa Clara. Give me some advance notice to arrange my schedule and I'll be there! (Barring biz trips, etc.)
I'd be glad to come to a meeting... anytime after I get my Prius! :huh: There, I'm mellow again.... :lol: Joe
I second that emotion. And in response to Lisa... I'm in Davis, so anything NORTH of the GG is good for me. Seriously though, we are in San Francisco quite often. I usually drive my Rav4EV to SF, but I'm willing to pollute and bring my (as of yet un-delivered) gas-hog Prius for the occasion.
A new post was made where the idea of having the meet in Burlingame was mentioned. I think it's a good idea. In and Out i guess is a good locations. It's something.. and something is better than were we stand right now. the 18th is the suggested date. Opinions?
Burlingame sounds like fun. I was mapping it on Google and it looks like a neat area. I've had really good food at a place called Max's Opera Cafe. Click on it for a google map of the area. The restaurant isn't really in the water but is right where Broadway hits the Bayshore Hwy. And there's that Bayside Park thing next to it. It looks like a good choice. Count me in. (Edit: I also googled for the location of In-N-Out in Burlingame but didn't find it.)
ok.. so we'll keep it as the 18th.. i prefer the park over In N Out Burgers... so.. let's do the park. On the 18th?.. *checks date* Next Saturday... good with me.. Let's see who will attend. Normal meet time? noon?
The October meet was at Chrissy Field in SF. I'd like something on the peninsula also. Is it possible to "occupy" a vista on 280 south bound? Are they open? Or we could go fight the bikers at Alice's Restuarant some Sunday on Skyline in Woodside. Seriously, a good point on the peninsula might be Coyote Point Recreation Area. I haven't been there in some time but its right on the Bay and was quite nice. However, as I remember the area from my days of bay sailing it can be a little windy and chilly.
I will try to make it on the 18th, but it's doubtful. :/ I usually need over 2 weeks notice to get a weekend off.
I can't leave town until March Our office is having our grand openning on Feb 18th, anyone care to come this way? We will be having the hot air balloon- haha.. but seriously there are beautiful mountains and lakes nearby! We are 30 minutes NE of Fresno.
so.. where is that from san jose? I think it would be cool to show up for that. Sorry for the last minute guys.. this is just to get things rolling again.