I recently bought my 3rd new Prius (6-3-'13). Had a '05 & '09 model before. I got mpg in the mid to high 40s with both 2nd gen Prius. I am getting terrible mpg with this new '13 Prius for a very good reason. With my current security job assignment I drive 6.7 miles to work in a parking lot where I sit in my car & guard the parking lot for 8 hours. Temperatures are in the 90s to 100 so naturally I have my car turned on for hours on end with the air conditioning on auto & temp set on 74 most of the time. Needless to say this is ruining my mileage (currently about 25 mpg). My question is: under these circumstances probably "minutes per gallon" is probably more relevant than "miles per gallon". The "a" trip odometer on the current tank shows I have driven almost 200 miles and averaged 4 miles per hour. Math therefore indicates my car has been turned on for about 50 hours during those approx. 200 miles. Is there a way I can see the total number of hours & minutes my car has been turned on since the beginning so that I can divide the number of minutes by the number of gallons used to come up with a lifetime minutes per gallon. Currently the display when I turn off my car shows I am using less than $3 worth of gas to run my car & stay comfortable for between 6 to 8 hours per day which I guess means I get about 8 hours of run time (and comfort) per gallon.
If you had a PIP and an outlet at work you would be golden. In the winter when the heat declines you will get better mileage
Does the PIP allow you to be in READY while plugged in? Seems they would lock it out from being READY to keep you from driving away plugged in. My work has a fleet of Prii for security. They cruise around at 15 MPH and hits many many stop signs. Last I looked they show 41MPG indicated over 10K miles.
I'm thinking the car needs to be off to charge but I'm not a PIP owner. But a good solid charge before you leave can run the AC for awhile while there. When you run out of juice plug it in and make the rounds on foot I'm guessing. Than get another gas free AC block of time. Your occupation impacts your MPG, but heck your working and in this enemic economy that is a blessing.
not that i know of, although, i bet the black box has it logged. the best thing would be to start logging it now, until you reach another 200 miles. it won't be exact, but similar unless you have a major schedule change.
Why don't you just have an hour meter installed? Every piece of industrial equipment usually has them to record run times. Simple to install. I think you could even find one that plugs into the power port, which is powered on with the car is powered up.
The Volt just keeps you from shifting out of park while plugged in. I have spent a few hours sitting in the A/C, plugged in, and charging the battery. The car has to be "Off" when you initially plug in though. Once it is charging you can turn the vehicle "On" and start the A/C and charging will continue. I would expect the PiP to be similar. I think the PiP has to run the engine for heat in the winter though.
Good suggestion, BZzap, it's jat ust that I am sure the info is already recorded in the system. Just wish I knew how to get it. Until then I will just h.ave to make do with the run time and miles per hour display when I shut it off
When you power off the car there is display that stays on temporarily and gives you the run/power-on time and fuel consumption for that time period. Maybe that's what you're looking for.
Unfortunately the only way to run the ac on the pip while plugged in is to use the key fob or entune app which will lock you in, and arm the alarm. It'll then run at max for 10min using about 1.5mi of the 12 miles on the battery. Once off it takes 10min to replenish on 110v.
Please people, I, the original poster of this thread, did NOT ask anything about the "pip" (plug in Prius). Please take you discussions about that particular Prius to the appropriate forum and get back to the subject of this thread, which basically is: How many hours and/or minutes can we run our standard Prius without going anywhere on each gallon of gasoline?
Let's get back to the subject of this thread, which basically is: How many hours and/or minutes can we run our standard Prius without going anywhere on each gallon of gasoline.
Sounds like you will be the best person to find out and report back. It depends on many things - your climate, and HVAC setpoint.
Or, how many gallons per hour does the Prius Gen 3 burn in park with the a/c, radio running, and cell phone plugged in to the power outlet?
Gliderman, most days after having my standard Prius turned on for anywhere from 6 to 8 or more hours and driving my 6.7 miles to my home, when I turn my car off the display reports that I have used between $2.30 to just over $3 worth of gasoline. Since I enter my price per gallon into the cars computer each time I refuel, you can see I am using less than a gallon per 6 to 8 hour day.
I remember from another thread someone projected about 18-20 hours out of a gallon of gas with a/c running. Which depends greatly on the outside/inside temp. So it shouldn't really be a big deal. Just depends on how much comfort you are willing to afford. Since I live in The Fort, I know exactly how you feel.