I took a 2010 Prius II to get at pre-purchase inspection at our local dealerships, and the car checked out OK...As we chatted he said pretty emphatically, "Let the car do all the work..." Then when on to say stuff like don't floor it, don't drive it like a regular car, etc... What is your interpretation of what he said....? What would you add?
I was told that it has 16 computers in it. Every function has been thought through, and the car knows how to handle most things. So let it do what it does. You can 'floor it', but when you do the fuel economy will suffer. We have a few freeway on-ramps here that re very short. Accidents are common in those locations, because vehicles have a very short lane in which to merge. So if I am there I use the 'PWR' mode. I can floor it, and the vehicle reacts with a lot of power. Of course mileage suffers during that 50 yard stretch, but I avoid accidents. So to me, it is worth it. Over-all we are still getting better mileage than any previous car.
It sounds like a contradiction. Let the car do all the work means drive it like a conventional car. Don't floor it makes sense for efficiency, don't drive it like a conventional car is true only to a limited extent. Having just bought it drive it like a normak car. If you're ready to adjust drive it in Eco, otherwise put it in Power mode to get closest to standard feel. Prius101: Axiom: battery charge ultimately comes from the engine. Axiom: the Prius engine is relatively efficient using what is known as a modified Atkinson cycle to favor efficiency over power. Axiom: the Prius will run the engine from startup in a manner that ensures satisfactory emissions control over typical driving distances. Lemma: don't force it to drive in EV mode. Lemma: use EV mode to avoid warm-up, such as moving in a driveway or parking lot, or fiddling with a mp3 player before leaving after having started your car. Lemma: regen doesn't make braking good, it just makes it less bad. Otherwise, just drive it.
you should have asked him what he drives. spend some time here, and you'll forget everything he said. all the best!
Just use common sense and enjoy the ride!!!! I am guilty of using sport mode when I enter the freeway...
For new owners "Just Drive It!" Most everything they try to 'improve' the MPG is wrong: They try EV, they try accelerating very slowly, they try B, they try N. All of those things get worse MPG at least 95% of the time. Do try to reduce braking, especially abrupt braking. Coast to a stop if possible. Here are a number of things that WOULD increase MPG but are unsafe, don't do these either: Do not inflate your tires more than the PSI marked on the sidewalls, do not use engine braking so your brake lights are not on, do not tint your windows more than the law in those place you drive allows, do not draft closer than a 2 second gap, do not blind your fellow drivers with aftermarket headlights, do not travel at more than 5 MPH under the speed limit, do not Pulse and Glide in traffic. The A/C cools the batteries making them last longer, this is not a safety item, but neither battery is cheap. Run the A/C when you are uncomfortable.
Do note, however, when floored there is no difference between "Pwr" mode and normal mode. It's only different at other throttle positions. Of course if you -think- it's different and are happier, then by all means go ahead.
That video is what I needed. Still new to driving the Prius and I was wondering why the charge wasn;t coming up as often as I thought it should be. Now I know. Thanks!