My city has a population of around 50K and I wouldn't doubt that my car is the only plug-in car in the whole city, much less the only PiP. I figure there's probably about five hybrids. There's plenty Hondas with fart mufflers though.
Ithaca, NY Mainly in what neighbors that are referred to as faculty ghettos. The further out you go the fewer Prii you see. In suburban rural areas Ford F-150s seem to be the vehicle of choice.
I was out and about in Richmond today. I stopped at two Toyota dealers and I only saw one Plug In for sale. One of the dealers had a used Ford C Max with 12,XXX miles for $24,000. Thought that was a fair price without doing any research. A salesman walked up and we chatted. He said the C Max uses Generation 2 Hybrid technology which was purchased from Toyota?
I don't see that many PIPs in my area although there is another one BP that parks in the same parking lot as I park in. This week though I saw a gray one yesterday and another BP today. To put this in prospective I see Tesla's almost any day and saw 4 today. In our parking at work we also have 2 Leafs, 1 Volt, and 1` Fusion Energy
Saw my first PIP between Ottawa and Montreal on Sunday! I have a green Ontario plate (HOV lane), and the silver Prius ahead of me had a green plate, but it did not look quite right. It was a plug-in, and from Vermont State! We honked and waved!
Still have yet to see another in the wild other than my own, not even on a dealer's lot. I wonder how many more months I will be able to say this.
What! I Honked when I was in Lincoln. I had a great steak at Misty's Steak House. I thought I would see you their! Oh! I forgot that was in my 2005 Pruis. Sorry! Next time I'm driving thru Nebraska I will let you know!
After 7 months on my own finally saw another PIP this morning. It was a twin looking good in Pearlescent white.
Nice...which Misty's did you go to, the downtown one or the original one on Havelock? And what were you doing/driving through Lincoln for?
200 N 11th St. Downtown. On our way to Rocky Mt. Nat, Park, just decided to find a good place to eat and stay for the night. Just happened to be Saturday and Big Red was in town for a home game, football. It was really busy downtown, but food was great and service also was really good considering all the people in town for the game. Then of course we had to visit a few local pub's for a few brews after dinner! University Students are crasy!
I saw my first PIP (other than at a dealer) the other day coming to work. I was on the interstate and close to my work exit, near Hopewell, VA. I saw what I thought was a Prius in my rearview mirror. As it got closer, I realized it was a Prius Plug in Base, same color as mine. More is best.
Last Sunday, driving home on the NYS Thruway after a day of riding a caboose at the Rochester and Genesee Valley RR Museum (I volunteer there), I passed a car that looked a little different than most. Wasn't until I got alongside it that I realized it was a Volt! Don't know where it was coming from or going to, but the first one I have seen (or at least noticed) in the wild!
I'm in the process of installing the JDM style LED side mirrors on my PIP. As a result, I've driven my 2011 Lexus IS the past three days. I was returning from work this evening, cruising on the interstate a few miles under the 70 MPH speed limit. I looked in the rear view mirror, and saw a winter gray metallic Prius (non PIP) behind me, who pulled out and passed. Interesting, I was passed by my own "alter ego".
Have seen a few PIPs around but today I saw my first twin.. another Blizzard Pearl right in my town.. only a mile or so from home. I pointed it to my passenger and he was pointed at me.. lol cm_tenderloin ? 4
I too have a blizzard Pearl and saw a twin in Century City Shopping center this afternoon. It was charging at the charging station but was parked next to the two EV Parking spots. Unfortunately there was a Volt charging in one space and a RAV4-EV parked but not charging in the other space and the nearest available space was too far away for my extension cord so I had to drive home on ICE. Too bad they don't have the correct signage at the Mall so there is nothing we can do about it.