fwiw, BP is the only gasolene brand which makes a point of informing the public about their alternative fuel research. as far as i know, they are the only company that is publicly commited to alternative fuels, which i think meshes perfectly with the green attitude of the prius.
Tough choice between “Whatever is cheapest†and “Other†since I mainly purchase my gas at Costco.
Well the last time I tested it was between BP gas and Arco...Arco was 3mpg less.. but that was with a car that only gets 18mpg... so convert that to what a prius would do.. it should be around 6mpg or more difference. In my area I usually get Safeway gas or cheveron. Cheveron often beats safeways price!.... safeway only gives 3 or 6 cent discount based how much food you buy. the way the prius gets such good mileage.. a little bit of gas efficiency, goes along way when your up around 50mpg or better!
I use HESS. One of the only companies that doesn't use oil from the Middle East. http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/petroleum/d...mports/cli.html
So how many of you that claim all gasoline is the same and just by the cheapest are getting 60 plus mpg tanks? I'd be surprised if many of you are getting over 50. I know I can't without the right gas.
Does anyone know what Safeway uses? Besides California, is it obvious to tell if a station has alcohol in thier gas?.. will it always be labeled Ethanol?