Hi all just picked up the 5 spoke 17 inch OEM wheels I believe that come on the prius v... I need to pick up a set of tires and I know that the OEM tire size and type is below: 215/45-17 with the Bridgestones or toyo tires... I believe however that in order for the speedometer not to be off that I must get the 215/50-17. Can somebody confirm before making this expensive purchase? Want to be on the safe side? Also what does the impact of that additional height have on fuel economy? I know bigger 17s will take a hit to fuel economy but want to get a decent set of tires to minimize this. Any recommendations on type of tire that's eco friendly without completely killing budget? BTW - have a 2010 prius iv
It's normal (and even federally regulated) for the speedometer to be off a little and you'll see this across the board. 215/50-17 looks too fat. You should drop down to 205/50-17, which is narrower and a little less fat and should in theory help with fuel economy. Even then, 205/50 still looks fat to me but that's my own opinion.
Hold on... Your referring to the width while I'm referring to the height... Height wise, what size should I be getting so speedometer is not off and will this additions height size improve fuel economy or ride quality? Width wise.. Wouldn't 215 extend past wheel so benefit would be no wheel curbing? What kind of a difference are we talking about here with fuel economy between 205 and 215... 1mpg tops??? Also any recommendations on type of tire?
The Prius v is the Wagon and uses a different bolt pattern from the Prius hatchback "Five". I hope you have the correct wheels.
Yup I got these - may not be OEM on the prius v then... What car do these come on? I've seen them on other prius iv so I'm sure they'll fit without issues correct??? http://bit.ly/13lV3zC
Those are the factory 17" on the Prius V (the Roman numeral for Five), not Prius v ("vee") as in the wagon.
Wow... Never knew that difference... So confusing to me that capital V (five) is a hatchback while lowercase "v" is a wagon... So long story short I got the hatchback V (fives) wheels correct? So the same 5x100 bolt pattern would also work on my car???
Correct. It's not confusing once you realize they're Roman numbers and are pronounced as such. I, II, III and IV are still pronounced one, two, three and four in English. Not so with c (see) or v (vee).
FWIW, my "v" with 17" wheels came with 215/50R17 tires. But more importantly, you shouldn't be looking at what other Priui came with on 17" wheels, but what is the diameter of the STOCK wheel/tires that came on your Prius. Get whatever tire that most closely approximates the rolling circumference of your original tires. I would expect that to be a 50, but you won't know till you measure.
F8L is the expert on tires, but he's done a Snowden on us (and looks a bit like him too, what a coincidence?) When I say too fat I'm talking about the height. F8L isn't a fan of the stock 215/45-17 size as he thinks it looks wheat thin, so he hasn't really done any real world testing comparing the two sizes to measure the impact on fuel economy. The best protection against wheel curbing is to pick a tire with raised rim protector. Many 215/45-17 tires have the raised rim protector but it depends on the manufacturer and is also model- and size-specific. Don't know about 205/50 or even 215/50. Check out Low Rolling Resistance replacement tires: Current List | PriusChat for recommendations.
The 205/50/17 will be best for fuel economy and will most accurately reflect the speedometer. You can get the Bridgestone Ecopia 422, which is highest rated for fuel economy, if that's your primary concern. However, it's not factory spec and, as others have said, looks a little fat (too much rubber around the 17" rim) compared to 215/45.
A member claimed that it's no longer in production so the next most fuel efficient tire in the 205/50-17 size would be the Continental PureContact with EcoPlus per F8L.
Width wise --- For our cars though is there any advantage on the 215 vs the 205? Why are people going with 205 over the oem 215? Height wise --- from 45 to 50 such small increase to fix speedometer and better ride quality... Seems like a no brainer to me I can't imagine that tires are huge difference in thickness around rim... So what about 215/50/17 is that an option? Just want to get down the size before deciding on type of tire now...
Narrower tires decrease the rolling resistance and aero drag. People have done it before and posted pics but they look too fat. 205/50 doesn't look nearly as fat and is the better choice. You can do a search before deciding.
I don't understand? I thought the only thing that effect speedometer is the height of the tire and the width has no impact... Is that the case? So if I wanted to closely mimic my OEM tire size Would be 195/65-15.... And is the only benefit of doing that to keep speedometer accurate? How else would you accurately measure you MPG?
You need to actually measure the diameter of your stock tires on rims, on the ground. Then try to duplicate that measurement with the 17". Speedometer accuracy and fuel efficiency are directly connected in the form of final drive ratio. If you prefer you can measure the radius from the axle to the ground, but a mathematical calculation of the actual circumference of two tires will get you pretty close. They need to be the same, although the radius from axle to ground is what actually determines the final drive ratio.
The width of the tire also contributes to traction and handling... Something to consider if that's your thing (though I suspect you would not have purchased a Prius if it were your primary thing). The choice between 205/50 vs 215/45 (oem) ultimately comes down to personal preference. Both have pluses and minuses and you can't really go "wrong" with either.
Got it... I'd rather go with the better mpg to balance it out since I'm taking step back in mpg with 17 inch wheels.. Plus I'm sure the 17s with the narrower 205 would still out handle the stock 15s any day of the week... Correct me if I'm wrong... So better handling + looks so much better is what sold me on it... I don't think I'm going to take time to measure my current wheels its just the OEM ones and I'd rather leverage somebody else's work on the research... So I think decision made to do the 205/50/17 and this forum has been a huge help. Now onto the actual tire for this size.. I'm hearing continental purecontact best all around? Any other suggestions for Eco friendly to compensate for the larger 17s?
I went to a 215/50/17 the additional sidewall and load rating are nice... im still avg 55mpg w energy savers in this sizei also get better handling due to the 215 contact patch also these tires look better on my non lowered car