When I open the hatchback on my 07 Prius, there is a horizontal black rubber (I think) piece anchored by 2 screws that's part of the handle you use to lift the hatch. That piece is wearing out and leaves black residue on my fingers every time I open the hatch. Wondering where I can find a replacement - a part number or online links to purchase the part would be great. Wouldn't have to be Toyota/OEM, unless that's the only one available. Thanks.
mine rotted and Toyota replaced it under warranty. I think some of the Prius's had better ones than the one I had originally. I touched some of the 07's and they were not the same one I had. When I took it in, the service person was surprised it had dried out like it did. The new one did not feel like the old one - I am wondering if there was a problem with this too (that they did not tell anybody).
the cost was $242 on the bill which I did not have to pay. On cold days, the rubber would get hard and it would be hard to open the trunk. The part was $97 and labor was $145 part number 84905-47010 Switch Sub-Assy
my car had 95k miles when I had it replaced 12/2012 It has been a problem for some time before - then when I took the car in for service I remembered to ask them about it. Like I said before, the person taking the car in was surprised about it.
Thanks for all the replies. I like the Gorilla tape solution - another entry in the "1001 Uses for Duct (Gorilla) Tape" book. I covered a large hole in the front bumper of my 05 Suzuki Aerio with Gorilla tape as a temporary solution until I could replace the bumper, and sold the car 2+ years later with the tape still intact and looking good! I doubt a dealer will have mercy on me at 161K miles, so probably time to check salvage yards or make a replacement piece as noted in the thread Patrick linked above. $70+ for the whole kit and $300+ for dealer replacement is typical wack.
Went with the Gorilla tape for now, to avoid the black sticky residue on my fingers. Was on a walk today and happened to do a little vehicle "dumpster diving" in the median of a busy city street - lots of scrap rubber pieces, found 3 that have potential with some resizing/cutting. Will update when I get a chance to perform the operation .
Well, mine has split and is on the way to total disintegration, so until the replacement from amazon arrives, good old GafferTape to the rescue:
Well, the new one arrived, and here it is installed: A bit of a pain in the bum to get the old one off (some wisearse had used what seemed like roofing cement to seal the old one in place), but after I cleaned it off (and you will see from the pic, that the job becomes far easier if you remove the rear number plate for better access). I used "O-ring" rubber lubricant to seal everything before I put it back together all is now good: Here's a pic of the old gloppy one I replaced: So, all in all, a good fix, and many thanks to whoever posted the original link from amazon: