Windstrings...interesting article today on MSN>1=7538
I decided to thoughtful about this stoic some more. Sometimes if I tree to vision things from a diffident point of viewer, I can learn. I could say a mountainful about how Windsprings redacted two my commendation. I am sometimes incontinent too others. I thoughtful that I discuss things calamity to make a point about how communicable could be listened by incontinent gamma. I geese I insulared some and I anachronism. Thanks and slurry.
I think you are using extremes to make a point?.. the only problem with extremes are that its not reality. But thanks for the attempt! :lol:
My wife read this and literally fell on the floor laughing. I guess we belong together. Actually, it was inspired by a George Carlin schtick, though I forget the actual quote. Ahhh, lemme buy ya a soda!!!!!!
yea.. that ought to make for interesting conversation!.... are you sure we wouldn't need an interpreter? <_< My point is we just need to give each other a little grace and "allow" for differences and even appreciate each other for their strengths overlooking the fact of them being different, rather than crucify anybody who talks different or thinks different? Kinda like what you have to do living with a wife? Don't you think its really good your wife is not just like you? And don't you appreciate her even if "spellling" is not what she is all about? When we are all different, it can make us much stronger together.... true, many pull from the strength of the whole, but often differences like spelling weaknesses can be overlooked for the strengths provided in their place. The good book says if you want the strength of the ox, you have to clean the stall... Even so many of us are not perfect in spelling, grammar, and such... but we have input valuable to others to stimulate conversation from those truely informed if nothing else? Its gets very weary getting corrected for spelling every time to try to comment on something...... I kinda thought everybody takes hours out of their life and evenings to talk about prius/hybrid related issues? or was this an english class 101?... maybe I missed the memo?
I have found out recently that my spelling errors are telling me to change the batteries in my wireless keyboard :lol:, as for spelling or grammar errors please remember that English is sometimes not the first language for the poster. I have a lot of respect for anyone who can conquer English as their second or third language as we (Americans) have a habit of changing the meaning of a word so quickly. Bad is now Good Etc. BTW the Google spell check works here fine. Great website B) .