I'm not sure why I always do this, but it's become a habit. There are a lot of Priuses here in Northern Virginia.
I do that all the time. Last weekend I had a funny situation. I went shopping and the parking lot was packed. A white Prius pulled out so I parked in its spot. After I was done with shopping another Prius took my spot. Kind of funny.
I try to part next to other Priuses. Here at work there is only one gen1 prius and one gen II prius but also 2 HCHs and a EscapeHybrid so I try to part next to any of them when I can.
Most of the ones I see here are in the handicapped spots so I don't get the chance to park close often....unless, of course, I can make my wife do a little limp and drool when she gets out of the car
I've always parked far away from other cars. I got into the habit many years ago and have just stuck with it. I leave the close parking spaces for the lazy toads. However, I work in a small office (ten people total) and three of us drive Prii. There's also occasionally another Prius in the lot (there are spaces in our lot that are rented to other people) and they are all different colors!
How odd, I have never seen a Prius in the handicapped spots around here! Do you think you are seeing the same cars over and over again, or do you live near a whole community of disabled environmentalists?
I'll park mine next to other Priuses when I get the chance. Only had the car for 2 days though, and have parked it at home, work, parents' house, and a nearby park. Mine was the only Prius so far in all those lots. Will have to run errands soon enough, so maybe I'll get the chance to park next to another one soon!
I sure do park next to other Prii. But when I'm not near other Prii, I park in the lower 40 to avoid door dings and it gives me a little walk anyway.
Even with the Prius I refuse to troll the lot looking for the closest space (which people do at the Gym, like WHY!!). But I love to park next to other Prii whenever possible. Soon my new nurse will add her blue Prius to my red one in our lot! It's FRIDAY!!! (acctually cooking for a wine tasting party tonight...go figure!)
There sure are, but there are also so few parking spots, especially around Ballston/Clarendon/Roslyn, I haven't had a chance yet... If you see a silver pine '06 - that's me Dave
I have had my Prius for less than 24 hours! My typical parking habits are to spend as little time driving in a parking lot as possible. Too many fender-benders witnessed, I suppose. I park wherever I see a spot closest to the exit, not closest to the store/restaurant/office/whatever. I am in a walking challenge, so I need all the steps I can get!
since reading on PC a while back that someone parked next to another prius at the store, and came back to see the other prius was gone and so was the bumper protector from their own prius... i just say screw it and park as far away from all potential a$$holes as possible.
I think that my car stands out better when parked amongst non-Prius's...Easier to find. Either that or away from other cars. -Roger
At our church, I used to be the only hybrid on the lot. Now I have to change that to first hybrid on the lot. There's a white Prius and a red Prius (and even a Honda hybrid). I want to get the Prii all together to take a picture of Red, White and Blue.
I once came walking out of the market and to my black Prius in the parking lot, only to realize that it was the wrong black Prius. It was black, had the same HOV lane stickers on it, and parked a few spots away from the "real" deal. Practically laughed my head off once I realized I was getting upset with the wrong "non-working SKS" door.
I hope you get to! I love getting to say hi to other Prius owners. I always say "Do you love your Prius as much as I love mine?"
I always suck up to one of the islands. I can get a close space, and be out of door-ding range that way. Works great.
So far, mine's the only hybrid in my parking lot at work (out of several hundred cars). I always park far, far away from other cars (and always uphill from buggies at shopping malls) at least for the first year of ownership, until the newness wears off. Parking far away has had a great side benefit--it has helped me to lose 40 unwanted pounds.
Well, I got to park nose-to-nose with an Insight over the weekend (yeah, on purpose too-figured the hybrids needed to stick together). <_< But no other Priuses yet.
Another question is how many Prius owners have Hybrid only parking slots at the place of employment? I asked my company to provide a few hybrid only parking spaces, and can you believe they said NO to providing hybrid only parking spaces! That's crazy since every high ranking person has their own GAS GUZZLING private parking space, GO FIGURE! Funny how NONE of all the high ranking people with their own parking spaces own a HYBRID! In fact, one of them has a HUMMER...