Hi. You may know me on ToyotaNation.com as "Epinionator89". I've known about PriusChat for a long time now, just casually checking out the site, and it's been very helpful because I'm seriously considering a used Prius as my first car when I turn 18 next February. I finally signed up because I liked what I saw and I wanted to be part of the PriusChat community. And, well, here I am Since last April I've been driving a 1999 Toyota Camry that's getting anywhere between 12 and 20 miles per gallon. Obviously it's because I take small trips around town most of the time (usually under three miles). It replaced the previous car I drove, a 1993 Hyundai Excel (what an upgrade, eh? :lol: ). I love the Camry a lot and I've been hooked on Toyotas ever since. But I'll miss that little Hyundai. So how much do I love Prius hybrids? I stare at the exhaust pipes of Priuses in front of me while at stoplights so I can tell when their engines shut off (during winter, anyways). Obviously, I have yet to see a Prius at a stoplight with its engine off this winter because the engines aren't fully warmed up I guess :lol: I got so excited seeing a Prius one day, walking to the Camry in the town library's parking lot, that I had to stop walking so I could see the woman back into her parking spot. It was so quiet, and that little buzz from the electric motor made me go "aww, it's so cute!" So yeah, I've loved Priuses ever since I understood what "hybrids" were. I don't get excited when I see sports cars; what excites me is automotive technology and fuel efficiency, and the Prius fits my personality like a glove. From what I've read, it's got all the features I like plus more, even the first-generation models. Just as an "ice-breaker", I'm curious to know (assuming you drive a Prius): How many problems have you encountered with your vehicle? What don't you like about the vehicle itself? Do you still love your Prius just as much as the day you bought it? Lastly, how many miles does it (or they) have?
Welcome to the chat Excellerator! Yep - I love it as much as I did on the very first day I picked it up - 3 days ago! On my maiden 260-mile trip, I had no problems and filled up at around 200 miles with 6.45 gallons (I don't konw exactly how much was in the tank, as the dealer "filled" it for me). After the fill up and another 60 miles, I'm only down 1 bar on the gauge (it looks like each bar = 1 gal). This forum has some great, knowledgeable folks in it. Stick around and learn......
Welcome! Yep, we still love our car like the day we picked it up in August (it now has 8,800 miles). We've always been very practical about cars and sometimes feel funny for "loving" this car, but we do. Can't say there's anything we don't like about it . . . but then, it replaced our 1989 Honda Accord with 260,000 miles (and no power ANYTHING), so this is quite the step up. If your commute is mainly short trips, you're not going to get quite the great mileage that you might expect, but you probably know that. If you get a package with the Smart Key System, you'll soon wish that every lock in your life had a SKS--it's such a hassle to have to get your keys out to unlock your front door! And to cowboy--the gas guage isn't linear, so the 1 bar/gallon doesn't work. Sometimes I get 115 miles on the first bar . . . sometimes 40 (depending on the temperature I think, and how full I'm able to get the tank, which also depends on temperature). The bars go away more quickly as the gas tank goes down.
Welcome to the boards. As for me I have a 2005 (bought in April) with about 13k miles on it. I'm happy with the car and am still learning about how to drive a Prius. Although I'm content with them, I've found that there are many complaints about the seats. They aren't power, and some drivers are in pain after a short while. Others have no problems with the seats.
I have an 04 with over 50k miles now. The only problem i've had is the center console material came loose when the car was new. they replaced it with a new cover... that's about it. I like seeing my car in the driveway.. i Love driving it. I still point out every prius i see on the road too hehe.. i can see them from a mile away.
Excellerator Welcome to Prius Chat; you'll get most of your Prius questions answered here. Where are you; please post your Location in your Profile.
welcome to the group! mine: 05 black (see avatar) just shy of 13k miles. bought last march (almost a year old already!) problems: zero! negative one! seriously, this car is a DREAM on wheels compared to my last POS... do i still love it as much as the day i bought it? no. i love it even more what i don't like: wish i had gotten the gray interior. otherwise, love it love it love it!
Welcome to PC! You'll love the Prius even more once you have one, I was obsessed with spotting and following Priuses while I was waiting for mine. It's definitely a dream car for me to drive, I've only had mine for 180 miles so far. I love rolling down the windows as I enter my underground parking structure and hearing how quiet the car is (and scaring some of my elderly neighbors who didn't see nor hear me come in!)
Welcome. I have had my 05 since August and it suits my lifestyle well. I had one of those Excels too, rocker arm went out twice, once under warranty, once after warranty. Most undependable car I ever had but I loved the Hatchback style. It is a good alternative to a truck. This is a cool car and if you are into computers you will really enjoy a Prius!
not to throw cold water on your joining PC but read some on fuel economy and what to realistically expect on a 3 mile commute with a Prius. It will not be all that good and if it's cold in the winter time where you are expect even worse mileage. It won't be as bad as the Camray but not to a Prius potential where people have a 10-15 mile commute. Other than that welcome to PriusChat.
Welcome, Welcome, Going on 17th month and 17,000 miles on a 2005. LOVE! Biggest problem: The paint chips easy when hit with rocks. Biggest surprise: How fantastically stable a Prius with VSC handles on slippery roads. One reoccurring theme you may read here on PriusChat is that new Prius owners will invent reasons to go for a drive. Well, I must still be a new owner because I did it again tonight. “I think I will take the Prius and go get an iced mocha." Believe me, it wasn't the caffeine fix I was looking forward to. I drove to a further away Peet's Coffee. :lol:
Hey Epinionator and welcome to PriusChat! I have the 2005 model. Problems: - glovebox release button "paint" was peeling off - rear left mudguard screw not screwed in properly I think that's it. Dislikes: - I would like it a bit wider - useless foglights - not enough adjustments for driver's seat Yep, I love it as much as the first day I drove it off the lot. I suppose it's the same feeling you get when you get to drive your favourite sports car. It puts a smile on your face! So far, I have 23,500kms on it.
Welcome! I drive a fairly early '04 (ordered in November of '03 and delivered in January of '04). Complaints are all fairly minor. Handling on the freeway under a strong crosswind is difficult. Extremely cold weather prevents much electric-only operation so the battery goes green and mileage is relatively lousy. With a 3-mile commute you'll get very poor mileage because it burns more gas to warm up quickly. Slow to provide heat in extreme cold weather. (I used to live in Fargo, ND.) And a couple of technical things (see my knowledge base article "The 5 Stages of Prius Hybrid Operation"): it won't go into Stage 4 operation after the engine is warm until you have come to a complete stop for 10 seconds, which may not happen depending on traffic conditions; and if you install an EV switch (knowledge base articles about this also) the maximum EV speed if initiated by the switch is only 34 mph, even though the max is 42 if the car initiates it itself. The 10-second wait and the lower max EV speed above seem to me unnecessary and annoying. But those are small details. It's the coolest car in the universe, and I like it better now than when I first got it because (1) I've installed the EV switch; and (2) I got it in winter and didn't understand why my mileage was less than expected. I do not use the word "love" in regard to inanimate objects. I love cats and I love certain people. I even love nature. My car I like. It is, after all, only a car, even if it is the coolest car in the universe.
Oh, I already know about what to expect realistically. I don't mind the gas mileage because we only fill the Camry up like twice a month at the most. I love the Prius because it has all the features that I want, and I love the technology it has. I occasionally take trips to my Uncle's house (12 miles away) and every once in a while I drive to Burlington (35 miles), so it isn't as if I only drive in the "city"... even though it's actually a town :lol:.
Blurry wrote "And to cowboy--the gas guage isn't linear, so the 1 bar/gallon doesn't work. Sometimes I get 115 miles on the first bar . . . sometimes 40 (depending on the temperature I think, and how full I'm able to get the tank, which also depends on temperature). The bars go away more quickly as the gas tank goes down. " Duh - You are correct, of course. Silly me - you'd think after being in this chatroom for months, I would have remembered that fact. I guess in the excitement of my maiden trip I forgot. P.S. - Another error - my trip was 400 miles, not 260 (which was the mileage at fill-up, not 200). This Prius has addled my brain - but in a good feeling kind of way....
If the Prius fits your style so nicely, then may I submit that you are a happily unusual 17-year old. That's great. You have a good opportunity to help teach your more undoubtedly speed-n-power- enthusiastic cronies a bettery way of thinking! . _H*