So I got my Prius just over a year ago... Traded in a 2005 Acura TL. Loved the TL, but as we all know, the Prius gets a heck of a lot more mpg than almost anything else on the road. Skip to the juicy part... I guess you can say I started modding it not too long ago. Dealt with the gold for a year, couldn't do it anymore.
Your original color is rare to find. Is the Camry next to the Prius yours? And that's why you painted it mesh black yourself?
I had no idea the original color is rare. I painted the new color a matte-satin dark charcoal grey and the wheels white. This was all done with Plasti Dip. Here's another pic that shows off the metallic...
Thanks, I like the satin finish that I put on mine. Thanks. They recommended 3-4 gallons, I got 4 (one of them being the Pearlizer) and made my own mixture to get a metallic look to the satin finish. After all said and done, I have 2 gallons left. Go figure. I could see one gallon extra, but two? meh. I will use the two gallons on another car anyway. I did not get their car kit, I just bought the paint in gallons and my own HVLP sprayer.
Thanks. I was shooting for a contrast and something from the norm away from silver/black wheels that people tend to do with a dark grey/black car.
Looks good. I'm currently waiting for 4 gallons of gunmetal grey to arrive at my door today. They had a 20% off sale last Thurs.-Fri. I also bought my own refurb HVLP Graco unit for $49 I can't wait to spray mine. It's going to be similar to yours, as I am using the gunmetal grey, with a black tint (1 tint per gallon). Hope it comes out well.
Not the best pics, and it was a fun process, definitely more to learn, but here are the results so far. I'll get better pics when my wife gets home and uses her nice camera.
My wife has a nice camera, when she gets home tonight I'll put the car outside and have her take a few pics