I bought a PennPlax flexible strip aquarium thermometer and stuck it to the curved panel next to the diver's side air conditioning vent. The strip has a mild adhesive on it and is about half an inch wide and four or five inches long. The temperature gradient reads from the low 60's to about 85...it is, after all, intended for a tropical fish tank. Not only does it look cool, it does give you some idea of the inside temp of the car. On a hot day, it will not read anything because the inside temp is above the scale; same on reallycold days. As the heater/airconditioner kicks in, though, the gauge begins to read correctly. The strip is flexible plastic with some sort of liquid gel in it that changes color as the temp rises and falls. My guess is that each little degree square has its own gel formula so that it changes color when its particular temp is reached. Costs about 4 bucks. I don't know why anyone needs to know how hot it is in their cars, but, hey, we're cutting edge here. B
That's a great idea, Bob. I have often lamented that there is no internal temperature reading though there MUST be an internal temperature sensor somewhere controlling the Auto A/C.
I haven't looked but look for a small grille that looks like a mic opening near the lower dash to the right of the steering wheel. That should be the interior temperature sensor
Here is a easy fix, buy a Candy thermometer and place it into the A/C vent in the center consul . It has a range from 0 to 120 deg, the stem is about 6 inches long and the button gage is a little larger than your thumb nail. I bought one about 27 years ago and it still works fine. I used it to see how hot/cold the air is comming from the vents in all my cars (before my Prius) to see just where to set the temp dial on the dash to get the desired temp into the car(not necessary on our Prius, digital).You can also hang it out the window when your driving(stopped at a traffic light) it reads almost instantly and compare the difference between outside and inside air,or you could place it anywhere in the cabin to see different temp ranges. FYI icewater is 34 degrees, I found this out when I was bored one day and stuck it into my ice water I was drinking, no wonder its called "Brain Freeze" B)