Today I was driving to my office and suddenly my a/c stopped cooling. I reached my office nd parked the car. 5 hrs later I got the car from parking and everything worked fine. Again about the same distance a/c stopped cooling. And 2 mints later, following signs came on and I have taken the pictures. I am wondering what is about? Love prius but don't know japanese.
The AC suddenly not working is due to inverter overheating. I am sure it is very hot there now. It could be because the inverter coolant pump has failed. It could also be caused by the 12V battery failing with a shorted cell, such that it never is able to charge fully. That keeps the 12V converter running at full, which will cause the inverter to shut down due to heat. The AC is the first thing to be turned off in that case. Take the cap off the inverter coolant reservoir when the car is on and make sure there is turbulence on the surface of the liquid. Check the 12V battery: Entering Maintenance Mode (aka 12V Battery Check) without Switching Headlights ON/OFF | PriusChat I don't know what the screen says. Did it appear while you were trying to go into or out of Park? If so, it might be the message that says to move to level ground and try again, because the parking pawl motor is not moving due to low voltage on the 12V system.
The inverter pump starts working as soon as the engine starts or it starts working when a certain temperature is reached? Just wanted to ask before checking? Its hot here but the hottest days are gone. This screen came on while I was driving on a level road and now its there even if I have restarted the car many times. I want to go into the battery checking mode but again due to japanese I'm afraid that I might do something wrong. Do u know any forum here which can translate here for me?
Yes, the inverter pump is always on if car is in Ready mode. It is not the engine coolant pump, which only runs when the engine runs. I think you will have to use a volt meter to check the 12V battery instead of the screen. Check it after the car has been off for some time, then with the car in ACC mode with the lights on, and then with the car in Ready mode. Let us know the numbers.
I have arranged for an electrician who will bring the scanner and with the help I will check the codes and the battery voltage fluctuations as well. After night stay is it a good time to check the 12 v battery voltage?
Yes, overnight is fine. Note that a generic automotive scanner will not read all the Prius specific codes, and so may not be of much use.
I have tried to find a person who has prius specific. In my city I have like 5 toyota dealerships but they dont sell this car here. If I don't find a person I them at last and I suppose they will be able to help.
I have got my car checked. Its code is PA093...inverter pump error. Need to replace it? Can it be repaired? Any information about that it can be replace under Toyota Limited Service Campaign of replacing the faulty inverter pumps?
I assume you mean DTC P0A93. Yes, the inverter pump needs to be replaced. I doubt it can be repaired. Don't expect Toyota to cover the replacement cost since 1) your car is a JDM import and 2) Prius is not even sold in your country. I've previously posted on how to replace the inverter coolant pump.
I emailed Toyota but no reply and my local dealer behaved like stealership. they asked around 180 USd for the part and around 70 usd as the labour total of 250 USD. So i got the new pump from the market and the code for that part; the code of the new one which is being replaced for around USD 93 converted from my currency and 7 usd for the labour and it was changed and now my car and i are living happily after with the fear and hope that it doesnt mess around again. I would like your suggestion on the issue that should i go for the 3rd gen? 2009 or 2010 model? Any major faults or issue with the 3rd gen prius? Keeping in mind that after import i am on my own with the car...
I really think you should continue to drive the Prius you have, and not make a further investment in the Prius family until your country's dealers start to service those models, especially if you need to import JDM models where all warning messages are in an unfamiliar language. I would say that the G3 Prius do not have any major faults and would also say the same about G2. However that does not prevent an individual car from experiencing a major problem such as an inverter or transaxle failure. I suggest you search the PC forums for examples of those issues, and consider how you would handle such a problem in Pakistan if it occurs to your car.
Actually i got the car from Japan but if i buy a prius again it will be from England and people in Pakistan who have Prius from England, language is not a problem. For that i would need to get familiar with the models in England. I got Prius after a long search on PC forums but i missed this inverter and steering shaft issue somehow. Anyways thanks for all the information and help.
Salam on a laykoom / kia ora from Aotearoa We get jdm's down here too in kiwi land. You're not wrong about stealerships. They just don't want to know about jdm's full stop.. In NZ jdm's make up the bulk of the market. I have successfully installed an english mfd and sat nav into my nhw20 08. It's made a world of difference. We have non dealer mechanics here that specialise in hybrids. I had to import the mfd from an oz wreckers but it did the trick. Wish I'd got the radio too as the band expander's pretty hopeless. Do they have prii in India?
Assalam u Alaikum Thats how we write it. and the reply is Walaikum As'salam Thats cool and highly impressive that you have been able to install the Englisg mfd and sat nat is not much suitable here as in terms of service. It is suppose to feel like talking again in ur native language so u got an english mfd and got it installed? just had to put it there and plugs are the same? i wonder if i can get an english mfd here and get it installed. I am from Pakistan and i suppose people might have imported prii in our neighbours (India) depending on the options they have and given their duties and import structure. Glad to receive a reply from you.
AOA Haider ... I am also from Pakistan and I ordered an English version of the MFD. Unfortunately it is not a simple plug and play thing. From what I have been told, the ECU needs to be replaced as well. I am trying to figure out what to do next and have asked a friend of mine to do somemore research on this. From what I have been told by some people (mainly audio electricians) is that the total cost for this would come to around a 100,000 (USD1,000/-) with completely new wiring and all. Let me know if you make headway and I will try to keep everyone here posted on the progress.