I decided to skip ext. Warranty, no regrets so far. 31,000. Mi. They are just doing their jobs and trying to make money. Dealers are very convincing sure you will get a last minute plea maybe a new offer when you call. Thing is thanks to this forum I realized i could buy the ext warranty from other places and you have more time I think as long as orig warranty is in place to decide. may be different for a lease ...not sure.
I just use regular. Think thats ok. Guess i hope it is, been driving it a few yrs now. I used to track gas use etc, but im over that now to busy. Long as my car says Im getting over 50mpg in summer Im happy.
You can buy how many tires for $1440? Extended warranty is really a device to extract money from the car buyer and give commissions to a series of sales people. Consumer Reports says that of that $1440 you'll pay, about 30% is paid out on average in claims. 70% goes to commissions, administrative expenses, etc. Don't like those odds, never have.
HI Mike thanks for the advice.... have no idea how much Prius tires are :-( my biggest concern was the navigation panel which they told me if it goes it will cost $4100 just for part !!! that made me freak
It can be a significant expense from the dealer. If you change it your self it need not be. I bought mine for $290 on eBay. Failing that, the worst case would be $500-$800. The aftermarket units I am referring to are plug compatible and very easy to change out.
I know i don't care so much for the nab... i guess they mean the hole center console with all the computer stuff , Apps, phone, bluetooth, etc.. etc...
No. I didn't have one at all. Just a stock radio. I thought the cost of the dealer supplied navigation too high and the cost of map updates positively insane. I installed a unit from Myron and Davis. Installing the backup camera was not trivial, but doable. It seems likely that if you had a navigation unit already installed that failed completely, it could be replaced with an aftermarket unit. The key is shopping around a bit. For example, the unit I bought sells on Amazon for $1400, I bought it for $290, although the going price seems to have risen to about $350. The most you would pay would be around 500-800 dollars. I can't imagine how the dealer is coming up with a figure of $4000. At worst, you could have an absolutely top of the line double-din unit custom installed professionally for about $1500. $4000 is a blatant rip off. It would be better to take $3000, put it in a pile and burn it. At least it would make you warm.
ok guys how much can i go after the flash comes on for my gas tank ? it says 30 miles to gas station ???? is that true?
Word is (I've not tested it myself) that you can go considerably longer after the indicator says zero miles. That being said, I never wait until the fuel indicator flashes.