Cabin air filter (My almost one year old cabin air filter on left) Just a friendly reminder that its mid-summer (ish) and you should check your cabin air filter! I never expected mine to be so dirty. You're welcome
Drop the glovebox, and it just slides in and out. Should also do engine air filter too: Pop hood, remove cover, replace filter, replace cover, close hood. 30 seconds and done.
Thank you, mine looked atleast that bad last week. add to the other trash, mouse droppings and dry cat food stored by a mouse claiming squaters rights. I believe mine was the original 4 year old 35,000 mile filter, as I dont remember being charged for a new one. my new filter is a WIX brand that claims to be coated with something that kills bacteria, mold, fungus, odors. I had been having allergy problems that I blamed the Scotchgaurd upholstry treat I applied. Nope, replaced the cabin filter and interior air is so clean and sweet now Wix cabin filter #24483
Yep mine looks much the same every year when I change it. BTW. I've found that you can gently wash that filter and use it again if you want. Last time I noticed mine looked liked that, and I didn't have time to drive to the dealers for a new one, I just gave it the ol' shampoo and rinse and it was fine.
It is very easy to access and clean the cabin filter in the Prius. If you simply pull it out once a month and knock the dust, leaves, etc. out of it, it will last a long time. Also the carbon impregnated type will help to keep the air a lot fresher in the Prius. It takes about 30 seconds to pull out the filter, and about a minute to dust it off and then put it back in. It takes longer than that to check all four tires. IMO, it should be part of the monthly regimen of things to check and do, which is what is called basic maintenance. Our cabin filter is well over a year old, it is the carbon one that Toyota sells. I clean it out once a month and it looks as clean today as it did the day I put it in. Think of it like this, the more dirt, leaves, mouse droppings etc. in the air filter results in less air being able to go through the A/C system to cool you and your traction battery. Plus how much of that crap is still sneaking by the filter and getting into the car. My thinking is if you keep the cabin filter clean, it will help to keep the air inside your Prius and your traction battery that much cleaner over time. Ron
I think my customer has everyone beat. Had always gone to the dealer and they were charging her for the filter. Develop a breathing issue and was doing breathing treatments at the hospital. Once we changed the filter, her breathing went back to normal.
That is why I don't trust the stealers when it comes to things that can be done yourself. There is NO excuse to allow a cabin filter to get that dirty, especially in a Prius. It can literally be removed in 30 seconds once you are used to doing the job.