I've had my new Seaside Pearl #3 for less than 48 hours and I was already making up places to drive today! LOL However, my first stop was the place to have the 3M clear mask applied/installed. It takes ALL DAY! I knew this before dropping it off, but still... LOL I want to play with my new car!
I drove my car exactly 12 miles from dealer to 3m installer in NY. Glad I did, it will be in a garage and not in the blizzard we are expecting in Long Island. I miss my Barcelona Red #8!
Tony, something about you seems, er, different today. Did something unusual happen to you last night? (Oops, not trying to hijack thread, but didn't want to PM Tony and awaken his Mod instincts unnecessarily)
You're smart doing it this way. Where are you planning on going tomorrow? :lol: Wouldn't a ride up to Anza-Borrego be nice?
A ride anywhere would be nice! However, my daughter and I have cookies to bake and Valentines to make for two parties. I don't know how much driving I'll get to do tomorrow, but my husband is planning to go shopping for our Valentine treats and asked if he could take the Prius tomorrow. He was a little bummed this morning when I got the appointment so fast. LOL