I sold my 2005 #6 today, and ordered a 2006 #8. Given the econonics of the resale value I recieved and the the tax credit I can get it was a no brianer. Not to mention getting the leather and the back up camera. I will be prius less for a while but I have other cars and I am looking forward to a new color. Jay
What did you get for the '05 #6, and which city did you sell it in? There have been folks here who mention that the '03's and earlier have been hard to sell.
I am in SF CA and I was asking 25,500, I got 25000, car was clean with 15k and prepaid service to 55k. Jay
The backup camera and the leather are niiiiiice! Very nice. I think you'll be happy with your decision!
The tax credit should keep you positive. I'd like to see the sucker that paid 25k for a car a 2005. They could have bought a 2006 and netted out ahead, PLUS got a car with zero miles. Idiots are certainly out there.
Jay, Count your blessings! It certainly was a no brainer - the guy that bought it certainly did not have one! On Jan 2, 2006 I bought a new 2005 pkg #6 for $26K and I am also entitled to a FED tax credit and a PA tax refund because I bought it new in 2006. So, he could have purchased a new 2005 pkg #6 for no more than $22.5K after tax credits. Certainly hope he does not find this site until after the time (is it 3 days?) a buyer has to change his mind. Springtime
Cool deal for you! Not for the guy who bought it... I doubt if he'd find these forums anytime soon... he probably doesn't have the time or will to research online. Otherwise he wouldn't have bought an '05 at that price in the first place. Anyway, how long are you having to wait for your new car?
My buyer needed a car now. In their case it wasn't a bad deal. For me it was great, I can live with out a prius until the new one comes in and I get a new one with all the bells and whistles. By my calculations it cost me $4k to have owned the 05 for a year and 15K mi. It will cost me another $3,500 to have a new car with the additional features after the tax breaks. A win win! My dealer told me to expect 8 to 10 week wait. I ordered a Magnetic Grey that I am told will not be available until May, by that time I should be at the top of the list, 11 weeks later. Anyone have any info on the real availablility of the new Grey? Jay
The multi-function display on my 2004 Prius died last Friday. I took it in to the dealer today to confirm the problem and to have them order a new one. They said they had a few go bad and there was no hassle. This tread inspired me to order a new 2006 Prius while I was waiting for them to inspect my car. I couldn't get the dealer to go below MSRP on the new car but they aren't trying to jerk me around either. My salesperson said one of his customers recently advertised his 2004 Prius in our small town newspaper and got over 50 phone calls from people that wanted the Prius that day. I'll probably lookup KBB value when I get the call that the new car is coming and sell the old one for that amount. I have the 100,000 extended warranty to help smooth the transaction. Thanks for the inspiration.
Actually, PA has a rebate program, not a tax refund. If you haven't applied for it already, do so ASAP. I spoke with the DEP administrator in January and confirmed that they had funding through March. I haven't heard of nor checked for any updates since. Looking forward to a $500 check in the mail any day now... btw for the rest of you, Springtime and I nearly bumped into each other when we picked up our cars at the same dealership. B)
Good job!.... What we have to remember is that when your on this forum and you know all the issues... it certainly would put someone in the idiot classification if they bought the 05. But fortunately for those wanting to upgrade the general public doesn't have too many clues and I don't think this was an isolated case. I think there are many opportunities for 05 folks to upgrade if they wanted to act fast. Or for that matter... go ahead and get on a list or buy and you get your 06 before you sell your 05.. oh well.. it will still sell?.. as least you didn't miss out on the tax credit! All the normal layperson sees is.... humm... a car for 25K with 15K miles on it or a new one for a little more and a waiting list? Plus if he sold it to a guy that knows him and the car it makes it easier. People always prefer to buy used when they know the history and trust it. Why do you think there are some poor suckers that pay up to 6000.00 over msrp still?
BTW, I used Craigslist to sell it. You gotta love Craig's, plus he lives in my neighborhood and is a really nice guy. jay