I was one of the "unfortunate" ones that received my '06 WITHOUT Toyoguard. The beige interior is very light in color, and I'm wondering if anyone has used a fabric spray and what kind. I gave the exterior a coat of Nu Finish, and purchased a vinyl bra from Toyota (haven't installed it yet). I would appreciate any recommendations concerning the interior. Thanks!
Leave it alone. Not big on chemicals here. Seriously. Do a search here, I remember a link with the name of the type of cloth. Very easy to clean. I had the same concerns as you. Just use a wet cloth on the fabric works for me. I use 303 protectant on the dash, look great without glare and antistatic. Rinsed the carpet mats with water and a brush, surprisingly clean.
I use 303 fabric protector. Just a couple of light coats on the material and carpet will reduce soil's tenacity. Just use a good upholstery brush and vacuum will remove alot of dirt, etc. Then use (eg. 303 fabric cleaner) for any localized areas.