I want to share with everyone what I found for better understanding of the inners and general knowledge of our cars Power Split SystemThe link will redirect you to a download page with a safe execute file.(windows only) Unfortunally this is an execute file and I can't host it anywhere, my apologies.. I will keep searching</span> But our college 8AA have submitted a link with a similar information<a href=\'http://homepage.mac.com/inachan/prius/planet_e.html\' target=\'_blank\'><span style=\'colorrange\'> 8AA LINK</a>
You need to advise that the link you posted directly downloads a exe. file to the user. A great deal of us have mac's, so that is of no use. One of the other links did not work as well. Perhaps the directing link to where you found the pages would be more useful. I did like the one with the fuel system, pretty cool. thanks
This page is still available. Remember to click on "THS" to change it to the THS II system in the latest generation Prius. Planetary Gear System of Prius