Anyone know how to order replacement radio knobs for a 2013 Prius radio? Toyota Parts Dept. is saying that they don't sell them individually, you have to buy a whole new radio! $2,200!!! Heeeeelp!!!
Do you have the navigation unit or regular? I know that Toyota does not sell individual parts for the navigation unit. I tried many different avenues to try to get a replacement glass screen and I was told time and time that I had to purchase a whole new navi unit. I think the idea of not having the radio "unserviceable" is complete crap. There are situations where small items like buttons, knobs, or a screen is the only item needing to be fixed and it can't. Your options are to find a junkyard unit, or see if the part can be found off ebay.
If you want it brand new, there's a seller in eBay but the part is located in UK Toyota Prius CQ-ES0370A 53903 Radio Volume Knob