Are there any NJ Prius Owners that have any information on using HOV lanes and or the Green Port Authority EZpass? I saw on the ezpass website that qualifying vehicles can apply for the program by calling their number, but when I've searched online there's all this info about jumping through hoops and it really only being for NY State registered vehicles. I tweeted about the HOV lanes and they had no idea it was even an option. They suggested I call the MVC, I'm trying to avoid this as I've never gotten anywhere with that route in the past..I tried their website but even searching "hybrid" results in 0 hits We have a 2013 Prius C and a 2013 Nissan Leaf Any info would be awesome!
Hello PriusC-illa! I am a NJ Prius C owner with the NJ Green Pass. When I heard about all these discount green programs, I was confused too since I received conflicting information from both NY and NJ authorities. Basically here is what you need to know: Get a NJ Green Pass and it'll give you discounts on the GSP, NJ Turnpike and the Port Authority crossings (not sure if it's only for Hudson River crossings). This is what was told to me by a gentleman at the NJ EZPass Newark office. I have yet to actually see if it works for the Port Authority crossings, but it has for the GSP and Turnpike. All in all, not a bad deal! Plus, I feel extra cool and responsible having a Green Pass displayed! Take care, Chris
Sweet, any instructions or website I can check out on how to acquire a NJ Green Pass? Is this different or the same as the Green EZPass? For Example NY has a Clean Pass, its a sticker. CA also has stickers. Thanks!
It seems as though I can just go to the Newark EZpass office. I'll send my husband and see what happens. E-ZPass® New Jersey - Plan Descriptions "The customer may also bring the proof of eligibility to the Newark, DRBA or Camden Customer Service Centers. "
We still get our EZPass in NJ but we decided not to get the Green Pass since we do not get there as much. There are several threads by New Yorker PriusChat members about the NY Green EZPass. As far as I know, in general there is nothing to stop you from getting many EZ; there are some special ones for NYC bridges/tunnels, MD Hamdon (sp?) bridge, VA 495 Hot Lanes etc...
Thanks, I did read some of those threads. What I gathered was that the catch with the Port Authority Green Pass is that NYS registration is required, which I do not have as a NJ resident.
I know! It's so frustrating... You don't have to go in person though. All you have to do is write a short letter (1 paragraph) expressing your interest to be enrolled in the Green Pass program. You also must include a copy of your registration. I just taped the registration card on the letter so it was all on one page when I faxed a copy to them. I actually already had a regular EZPass white tag, which I didn't have to return when they mailed the green tag to me. Once I found out what to do, it was a pretty simple process. I was just dumbfounded that so many EZPass officials weren't informative regarding the application process.
I checked the NY EZPass appication and unless I missed something, it looks like anyone from any state could sign up. I did see many complaints about not easy to do it. Seems like you might save tons of money if you cross the NY/NJ bridges often. If not then the monthly fees get the best of you. Now What?: It's not easy going green, at least going EZ Pass Green
If you can, get the NY Thruway green pass - there's no monthly charge and it works on the Port Authority crossings as well (you do have to add it to your Port Authority account, but you just email them and they set it up). See my post on this. Also my long story on all the pitfalls...
Since our cars are new, they are not tied to our old account yet. This old account is also in my husband's name. Maybe this works in my favor? Let me know if my plan of action is sound: Open a fresh new account with NY thruway in my name Add my Prius C and my husband's Leaf Request 2 green passes Close the old account Add the Port Authority and NJ green discount plans to the account This really shouldn't be so complicated
The oddest problem I ran in to, as I describe in one of my posts, is that the EZ-Pass office on Staten Island (Port Authority) said they couldn't set up a Thruway account for me as I had the wrong zip code. When I pressed them on it, they said, oh, well, we can always put in the right zip code for the area then change it later - and that worked fine. If you're setting up a new Thruway account via the website that shouldn't be a problem, but if they ask why you want a Thruway account instead of PA, tell them that's where you do most of your driving.