Anyone know where I can score a good working Converter board? I suspect my board is bad and I don't want to buy a complete Inverter just for that one part. My inverter part number is G920047121
It is unlikely that you will be able to purchase a good used DC/DC converter board because that is the most likely component to fail within the inverter. In the US, eBay shows plentiful availability of used inverters priced at $200 to $400. TOTOYA HYBRID PRIUS INVERTER CONVERTER 1NZ FXE | eBay The typical reason that the DC/DC converter will fail is due to a botched jumpstart attempt where battery polarity is reversed. If the price of a used inverter exceeds your budget then you may want to attempt to repair the board yourself. In that case you should look for the power transistors controlling the 12V output, which probably need to be replaced. If you want to attempt component-level repair, it would be helpful if you have access to the wiring diagrams so that you can identify inverter wiring harness connector pinouts. That is available via this subscription website:
Get in touch with Steve at . He is honest and will really help you solve any problem at a great price!