In the new TV series "Under the Dome" one of the main characters drives a Prius- and not just any Prius... she drives a PIP!
They have generators. But, please don't fall into the trap of trying to apply logic to anything that happens "Under the Dumb"... you'll just get a migraine. If you want to have a little fun at the expense of The Dome, come join us and read the last couple of weeks worth of posts in "The Dome" thread over at AVS Forum (the posts are more interesting than the show actually!): 'Under the Dome' on CBS HD - AVS Forum
Do they realize that there is nowhere for the exhaust from those generators to go? That they might just as well plumb the exhaust pipes straight into their homes?
That may actually help explain why some of the town folk act the way they do ...again "Dome logic" at work!
I wonder if the network ever approached Nissan as a sponsor... the Leaf would be the ideal vehicle Under the Dumb. They might have had range issues when the dome froze up two weeks ago though...
I wonder: can product placement backfire when the show's a bomb? I found last night's episode really tiresome. Never a good sign when I start muttering sarcasms and derision while watching something. In the final scene Hank, err I mean Big Jim looked like he was thinking "what am I doing in this??".
Don't spoil it, we're a bit behind you guys. In fact it's all programmed in for tonight at 10pm, though I'm not so sure why. The first season was interesting but didn't really go anywhere and the second is just flogging a dead horse. Maybe you should just tell me and put me out my misery and I'll stick to watching the News at 10 instead.