Guy in my office stopped at a Red light in his Honda Accord. Old lady plowed into the rear of his car going 55. She never saw him is what she told police. He was air lifted to the hospital. He never returned to work.
I know this is Prius Chat where people luv the Prius. It is not the safest car ever made. Not even close. I like my Prius and enjoy driving it. It has some good ratings on safety I'm not naive People get injured in these cars every day. To think otherwise is just plain silly Drive defensively
My Gen 2 Prius was totaled in a glancing collision from the rear, when a semi ran a red light I was making a left turn at. (on green) I was pretty impressed on how much the car protected me. My wrists hurt for about a week as I kept trying to steer all through out the collision.
I was in a traffic jam on the 405 in LA when an alien space ship from outer space crashed into a Prius and the guy walked away from the accident uninjured.
Car safety is about energy dissipation. In a crash, you want as much energy transferred AWAY from the passengers as possible. Just because your car is bigger does NOT mean that it is better at doing this. If your BigAzz SUV is not well engineered then that big ol' V8 engine block might just end up on your lap instead of under the car frame. That being said, there are limits. Even the best designed car is no guarantee for walking away from a crash.
So your saying Toyota can engineer safety in a compact car but not a full size car or SUV? That is a reach to say the least
I recently googled this same question and found a study listing % of fatalities by vehicle model and for Buick Enclave was the vehicle with lowest injury and death rate. I'll post the article when I find it. Meanwhile, here is an older article with correlation to size and weight and human damage.
Sustain Less, I did not read that in the report. Back to the OP post. I stand by my statement. If given that scenario (Not Another) if I was to take a rear end hit I rather be in a SUV than a Scion. That is my opinion. Just much more car to protect a child in a baby seat in the rear. For the record I don't drive a SUV. I drive a Prius. Now what you do is your business. What I do is my business. When My kids were young they were transported in baby seats in the family car a Toyota Camry which is a larger car. That is what my wife wanted and I agreed. My econobox was a commuter car. If the children were safer or the parents had peace of mind is debatable but not for me. However any child injured as what the OP witnessed should be avoided at all costs. If I convinced my wife as you are trying to convince me that a Prius or compact car is as safe as a SUV and our children were injured as this child was in a rear end accident. I would have to carry that burden of poor judgement to the grave a bet I'm not willing to take. Your free to take that one.
I'm not trying to convince anyone that a Prius is as safe as an SUV. Quite the contrary. I believe the bigger the safer. All studies, common sense and logic dictate that. That being said, we are looking into the purchase of a v.
Those statistics are inherently misleading. As far as I know there have been 0 fatalities in a Veyron on public streets. So it has a 100% safety record. If you sell a couple hundred cars per month instead of tens of thousands, you aren't going to get the same distribution in safety. Also, who the heck buys Buick? Old people. That's a little different then those buying a civic or something. Says nothing about the car, just who buys it and how they drive. There are other studies that show the Prius is one of the safest cars because of the low number of accidents as a percentage. But again when you drive the Prius, you aren't driving as aggressively most of the time. Nothing to do with the safety of the car, but it makes for a whiz-bang statistic. You may believe it, but it is false. It is a common fallacy and can be disproved by doing research on the subject.
Can children sue parents for ignorance? 100% safety record is stupid. No one believes that. Don't try and peddle that. Prius is a great car but I never try and present it as the perfect car. The video. That is a front end accident The OP was talking about a rear end accident Th cabin looked very damaged in the hood area. With seat belts possibly talking severe head trauma if the hood impacted skull. Suspect the narrator just shot a video and made comments without knowing the injuries of the passengers is my guess.
If you want my personal opinion on this, then here it is: If you have been seriously thinking for some time that the Prius is somehow less safe than conventional sedans, then you should look at a Camry hybrid, preferably used. However, don't let your emotions control your checkbook, as sales tax for a used $20K Camry hybrid would be like 2 grand alone. If you don't have that kind of money laying around, then I'd say dump a load of packing peanuts in your Prius's trunk.