i ordered it in the Silver Pine Mica without actually seeing the color before i ordered. at the time i ordered there wasn't a brochure and the website wasn't updated for 06. well, now i've seen the brochure (yuck!) and the website (...not bad) color. which is the most accurate? i'm sposed to pick this up wednesday. thanks. d.
Its been my experience that everything looks better in person than does the website or the brochure! Congratuations!.. I hope its the color you wanted.. the car itself you will love! Don't take it if you hate it though.. they can trade with other dealers to get you something else.... that color is what my wife has.. she really likes it.. I like my red better! , but the Silver pine is either the same or similiar to a pestachio green they used to have.. its very nice!
I saw it on a Sienna and hated it. A week or so later, I saw it on a Prius and liked it. I have since seen it on several Priuses and I still like the SPM. I never saw it in a brochure, so I cannot compare. I did see it online at the GreenHybrid site and it looked okay to me there. I think it looks best in person on a Prius. It is a very light green that has plenty of light bouncing around. Very shiny and bright, but subtle on actual color. Rather difficult to describe, actually! LOL
I'm biased. I've got it. I really, really like it. There is no neutrality on this one, apparently. The color is subtle - sort of a metallic bamboo green. The opinions aren't subtle. I've had quite a few people come up to me and say "that's the color I wanted last year!", and then again, I've gotten a lot of harassing at work about the color. You've got to see it, and like it, or you shouldn't drive it home.
i'll see it Wednesday. if i don't like it i'm going to hold out for a magnetic grey one. they look real sharp. course, i read somewhere that the spm looks "girly" so it may keep my husband from driving it....lol
You can see the color on an '05 Sienna van, too, but it sounds as if you don't have time to go to a dealer, anyway. I saw it (silver pine) on a Sienna parked next to an '06 Sienna in Desert Sand Mica, and liked the latter better (darker, "richer"). Silver pine is one odd color, to me (and I'm red/green colorblind, so this may not make sense to you after you see it). At first it looked "washed-out" or pale, as I expected (was hoping for) a much greener color and thought I wanted to buy it. This color struck me as "right on the line" between silver and gold, that is, as lightly "beige" or "gold" or "green" as you could get without actually looking silver.
one more question. if i really hate the color do you think i have a shot at ordering another. i've had a deposit with this particular dealer for awhile waiting for the 06 model. The delivery guy at the dealership is trying real hard to talk me into this color. says he doesn't know when he'll be able to get me another one.... what would you do? Looks like i'll be o.k. re: the tax credit tho, huh?
You should be ok on the credit as long as you don't get at the bottom of some list and wait another 3 months. They get allotments and they dont' know what they will get until the allotment for them comes in... only then to they know colors options etc.. and hopefully what they have fits your tab. If you don't like the color they can look around and see other dealers allotments too "as long as particular car is not hidden"... and trade with them. If any car is spoken for the dealer will not trade with your dealer.. it has to be a win - win, but they try to work with each other. What other color are you thinking?....
i'm thinking the magnetic grey. i liked it as soon as i saw it. i don't mind waiting till May either. just want to make sure i don't screw this up and lose the tax credit. I really thought the spm would be closer to the former Tideland Pearl. kinda freaked me out when i saw how different they were. i'm just into a little darker color.
I would also wait until I see it in person. Try & see it in daylight, as the lighting most places really distorts colors. But, you don't want to regeret your decision. My caution would be about reports that Toyota has transferred some resources to Camry Hybrid production.... so, maybe your option(s) might be limited.... Good luck!! Just picked up my Seaside on Friday.
Humm.. well if you really like the MG and you don't mind waiting, I would almost encourage you to try to keep your place with your dealer and tell them you want the first MG they can come up with. Some others may need to chime in, but based on what I've read.. they are expecting Toyota to hit 60K buy July, then 100% of the credit will will hold remaining the rest of that quarter "whenever that 6OK spot is" plus the whole next quarter, then it drops to 50% and then less after that. So I expect your prob safe with delivery taken by October or so. Its up to you, but I would take my chances to get the color I really wanted if you really think you can wait. I think the reason I feel this way is because of my intense "like" for my barcelona red!.. I am so glad I waited and didn't settle for another! If your sure about that color.. go for it!.. its alot of money to not get just exactly what you really want?
thanks for your words of advice Windstrings. this would all be solved if i could see this color on a car in my neighborhood. considering that my neighborhood has a population of 3400, that may be a longshot. a toyota dealer in the state over has a paint chip card i can go look at. my dealer did tell me if i reject this Prius he'll move me back to the top of the list. next allotment due in April. if this doesn't work out, i'll post where a 2006 Prius, silver pine mica, pkg. 8 is for sale (lol). thanks again for help. catz
Well I think its gonna look really nice!... I've seen a few cars with similiar. I expect you will want the dark interior... leather would be really nice! I don't know if you have this attachment I'm sending or not.. but seeing it live is always far better than any chip I"ve seen... I bet you will like it! In these chips you don't get to see the metal flakes and full glory like the car itself. Keep in mind for instance my barcelona red doesn't look near as dark as this chart depicts! Does anyone know if the Magnetic Grey is seen in any other car for viewing or is it totally a new color?
omg!! maybe its my computer, but those colors dont look nothing like anything i have seen before. not one of them!!
I agree Dave.. they are rather disappointing as to the real!.. you would think Toyota could make them depict the normal colors.. but even the color chips you hold in your hand are not that accurate. I imagine Magnetic Grey as being a grey with tiny silver metallic flakes in the paint that gives it different shades based on the angle you look or wheter the sun is on it..... similiar to the barcelona as far as how it has different "moods" based on lighting and angle. The Barcelona red has Gold flakes, but you can't see them in diminished light unless you hit it with a flashlight. Humm.. Decisions, Decisions.. don't you just hate it?... Toyota is aggrivating for not making it easy to decide about your purchase by not giving adequate clues to packages and colors in advance.