In case you didn't know, if you're in "ECO" mode, your A/C will try to conserve energy by not working as hard. That's what I noticed in my Prius
From the Toyota manual. ■Operation of the air conditioning system in Eco drive mode In the Eco drive mode, the air conditioning system is controlled as follows to prioritize fuel efficiency: ●Engine speed and compressor operation controlled to restrict heating/ cooling capacity ●Fan speed restricted when automatic mode is selected.
no noticeable gain in MPG yet, but i have been looking down at how the fan behaves on the plasma screen and shortening my stopping distance. i checked out my Bridgestone Turanzas and they are wearing down so i will start looking into new tires soon, which will hopefully boost me up a couple MPG. i even thought about getting some 16" wheels or writing to Toyota cause i am nowhere near 48/51 or even 45 and i am starting to think there is something wrong with the car
The odds are high that your mileage issue is mainly due to driving habits, but everything else enters into the equation too. "Shortening your stopping distance" lowers your mileage, you want to cruise and slow as gradually as possible. I'm getting better mileage in my new v, and the A/C is working hard all the time.