Front end on my 06 feels like it needs new struts. Looking at Amazon, a PAIR of struts is $45. They seem to get decent review on ToyotaNation, but none of those threads are for a Prius. Has anyone tried these yet? If it weren't for all the crap that needs to be removed to get to the point of installing them, I'd pull the trigger on the fronts (not the rears, for some reason the price on those are insane at $276/pr).
How many miles are on your 06? I am about to hit 100k on mine and feel as though I need to replace the front due to it making a crunching noise over speed bumps with the wheel turned and the rear just because I'd like to replace it along with the front.
122k. The front has felt a bit rattle-ey for at least 20k, if not more, but it still takes bumps fine. Reviews on the SENSEN say they tend to be a bit stiff, but I want stiffer than stock. I was going to get the KYB GR2s, but the SENSEN are quite a bit cheaper. I'm limited to what I can buy from Amazon, as I have enough credit there for a set, no cash otherwise.
KYB's GR2s are oem replacements. I have them currently on my '08G2Touring - felt the same as my buddies '08 G2base. Curious to know if the SENSEN are any stiffer...
GR2s are generally roughly 10% stiffer than OEM (also made by KYB in many cases), so they will feel pretty much the same. The SENSEN rear price on Amazon is a price mistake, their company site also has them for $276.20, while their Ebay listings are for $76.20. I've let them know, so if they get around to fixing it, I'll order the complete set and try them out. Not that I would be able to compare them to new stock 2G, since my 04 suspension is also worn.
Received the set of 4, but the front set are strut inserts. Does anyone have an old strut laying around where they can verify that the cad-coated ring ("gland nut") on the top of the front strut body unscrews? I can't really test on my car, in case it doesn't and I have to return them for full strut replacements.
front struts on 2nd gen as well as 3rd gen prius should be sealed complete front units, not strut inserts and there are no strut body screws they don't exist. I just replaced mine so I know what I am talking about.
Interesting. They sell these as 2G front replacements. Crap, that will triple the cost of the front replacement, and I'll have to deal with returning these. So that cad ring doesn't unscrew? If you've got a dead one, can you try carefully cutting the ring off to see if it is crimped over a gland nut? Yeah, that's not what was sent, they sent APX Auto Parts SENSENĀ® 1060-FS Shocks, Struts, Front Set (2 Pieces) and note under Vehicle Fits tab all 2G Prius are listed.
front struts are crimped on, definitely not meant to be removed. They are sold ready to bolt on. I hope the rear shocks you received along with the kit are made for the prius. I don't trust sellers who do not know what they are selling. Brand new factory front and rears would set you back $250 shipped.
Sensen are the cheapest of struts. Just looked in Rockauto. You get what you pay for. There like $29 each for the fronts. The strut not an insert. It is so much work just replacing the struts alone I wouldn't dare chance it and rebuild the strut itself especially with super crappy parts because after you finally get them on and there not right man will that suck. It's alot of work to transfer the springs and super dangerous. Find out if local auto parts store will do them for you. Some have that service. Whatever they charge its worth it.
At RockAuto, the rears are $29 each. The fronts are $49, not much less than KYBs. I'm going by reviews from people that have installed them on other Toyotas. They say they are stiffer than stock, which is what I want. The lifetime warranty doesn't hurt. When I did the VFAQ for the lowering springs more than 5 years ago, I used compressors. But I can also remove the nuts on the strut rods before I jack up the car - no compressor needed. When I put the Modellista lowering springs back on, I compressed them by hand to get the nut back on. 2G Prius springs aren't nearly under the tension I have run into on any other car, and I've done dozens of suspension swaps. Since I have the lowering springs on, I won't need compressors or to remove the nut before jacking this time. In any case, the seller emailed me a Fedex return label so I won't be out anything after they refund. Still trying to get them to list the proper set on Amazon so I can order them there. They're working on it.
I 'rented' my spring clamps from an O'Reillys and it went pretty quick and painless. Did it all in my garage...You do have to be careful tho... 'Prius70' did a strut insert on his car.... HERE - back in the day...
Yes, and while I have a welder and could do this, I'm going to stick with returning the inserts (already shipped off) and ordering full struts for now. Because if I were going to weld on the housings to handle inserts (paying more for a set of struts to get the gland nut threaded tops from), I'd convert to coilovers at the same time (which would cost even more).
Returned the inserts, credited back, got them to correct the prices of the individual front struts on Amazon, and ordered. Will give feedback once they are installed. Will update the Spring/strut VFAQ if needed.
I wish I could say - damned things are still in the boxes. Other priorities right now, so I just don't know when I'll get around to installing them.