Is this the unit I should buy for my Gen3? Is there anything else I need to purchase? Plan is to use it to be able to get actual Fuel Level readings, and better numbers surrounding every day driving. Any other cool tricks I can use it for? Thanks!
Yes, that is the ScanGaugeII that you will need. Search on here for ScanGaugeII and you will find many threads on the use and configuration of Prius specific XGauges.
Thanks! Now, to order from Amazon for $164.00 and have it here tomorrow, or from Advance Auto Parts, get it next week for $116 after coupon. Decisions, Decisions =)
TRT30 code get;s you 30% off of anything over $50, and free shipping at Advance Auto online. Got the ScanGaugeII for $117 shipped after tax =)
You will need the xgauge list: Welcome to Google Docs There is a scangauge users guide...try a search for "scangauge for dummies".
Wait why not get a OBD2 ELM327 Bluetooth adapter? I got one off amazon for $5, and now I can get all my cars readings, error codes, etc on my iPhone Super Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 OBD-II CAN-BUS Diagnostic Scanner Tool V1.5 Super Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 OBD-II CAN-BUS Diagnostic Scanner Tool: Everything Else I thought about a scangauge but its only black and white pixelated text as opposed to DashCommand which has endless skins and completely customizable. Plus the investment was only $10 as opposed to $100 for the scangauge. Let me know if u need more info, I'm so glad I went this route... On android it's even better cause of the Torque app
Can that iPhone app disable the reverse alerts and seatbelt alerts as well? I may check it out too. THe scangauge will most likely stay in the prius fulltime. But the BT adapter looks interesting too!
from skimming an old post it appears u need Techstream to disable beeps: ELM327 USB Vehicle OBD-2 Scanner Tool | PriusChat and it looks like u can get the software (and cable) for $20 on eBay: Newest Mini VCI for Toyota Software Tis Techstream V7 1 Version | eBay [UPDATE] found a guy who disabled beeps using the ELM327 OBD2 adapter and an Android Terminal app: Programming a Prius to Disable the Backup Beep » Dogberry Patch i will try it out sometime, see if i can get two-way communication going...
Will the ELM327 read Prius specific DTC's and reset the Check Engine Light and Prius alarms and warnings? ScanGauge II will along with changing Customized Features such as the mentioned reverse beep.
from what i have researched there is far more that has been done on Android than on iPhone, and you can disable beeps using the Android terminal, but not override the nav/DVD player and trick the car into thinking its stationary, which is another wish i had with the OBD2 interface. i say we keep this thread going, and track our progress on the Scanguage and ELM 327 OBD2 bluetooth adapters for prosperity...
You said an investment of $10, that's not counting the $50 price of Dash Command, unless of course you are jailbroken and went down the free route....
guilty as charged... geez i didn't even realize it cost that much! if someone with a SC2 wants to hang out one day and compare, i'm game, cause i really pondered it. oh btw, i believe u have to be jailbroken because Apple doesn't allow the BT adapter to communicate and u have to buy a Cydia tweak called Roqy or something for $5. since i am having trouble using bluetooth streaming (music) and running DashCommand, i am looking into an old Android to run Torque, or perhaps an iPod touch to keep things similar. on a side note, my Pebble watch also has trouble keeping an open connection when the OBD2 and music tangle... #firstworldproblems
So I am going both routes =) I'm not getting the $50 app but Engine Link instead which is $6 and has the same features. And the SG2 is still coming as well. That way I can compare. Engine Link on the iPAD appears to look pretty sweet, awaiting the Wifi OBD2 sensor getting here tomm.
Another advantage to the ScanGauge; I don't have to pull my phone out of my pocket and plug it in/mount it every time I get in the car. I have the ScanGauge taped in place above the steering wheel where I can see it easily.
Scan Gauge will be here on Wednesday, Wifi ELM adapter will be here Tuesday, and Stage 10 Shifter also on Tuesday =) I'll let you know comparison's once I have everything.
How much do you estimate the Stage 10 Shifter will increase you MPG? (Bill, trying to figure out which OBD to purchase... to use on both my Gen III Pri, and her 2003 CR-V )