Since this is a holiday weekend and a good majority of our users will either be on the road traveling at 60 MPG or participating in other Memorial Day activities, I'm going to take the opportunity to upgrade PriusChat to PC2. Just a warning that the site may be down at times this weekend as we move everything over to our new server (yay!) and upgrade to the new PriusChat. When everyone in the US returns on Tuesday, you'll most likely see a very different look for PriusChat and hopefully a better PC experience. If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. Danny
I guess that means you got the kinks of moving the files over worked out. I'll be home/working all weekend. Be safe out there everyone.
Good luck with the migration; be careful but do it fast!! :wink: Visiting this forum is one of my favorite daily activities.
That will be something to see! I can't really say there is ANYTHING I don't like or find difficult about PriusChat!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh!!!! I'm stuck at work. It's gonna be slow, AND PC will be down!! I don't think I can take the stress!!! :mrgreen:
I do have one suggestion Maybe Danny can create the "Diamond Level" Sponsor and give that person a free Prius. Say, maybe $500 bucks?
ok, i have set up an emergency bulletin board through my server... it's not fancy, but if the system goes down, we can leave messages there and have a little fun!
I'll be in Arizona for the weekend, and probably won't be on. Hope the transition goes well. Also hoping that I see at least 50+mpg on my drive out from SoCal
Maybe we could do it like those "Plasma TVs for $500!" scams that went around a couple of years ago. Everyone contributes $1,000, then after the 26th person puts in his $1,000 the first person gets their Prius. Then about 20 or so more people get on the list, then I take the rest of the money and run to Mexico!
Danny, Is the new PriusChat 2 going to have the same monitor resolution as PriusChat 1? This has been discussed before with those of us who have our monitors set to 800 by 600. I would love to go to 1024 by 768 but my old eyes just can't handle how small everything gets. Jeff
It is probably going to be similar. We'll see how it looks once we switch over and then I'll try to manipulate a few things in order to have it fit better at 800x600 resolution.
DOWN</span> :!: :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: What the heck am I goin to do all weekend :?: :!: :idea: :idea: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: Well there is an :idea: :!: :crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: OR :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :!: Until it\'s over and then to a NEW PC2 :!: :!: :!: :clap: :multi: :clap: :multi: :clap: :multi: Until then everyone be :angel: SAFE :angel: this weekend and <span style=\'color:red\'>remember to turn on those headlights :computer: :wave:
The site will be going down around 12am EST tonight and will be back up as soon as I get done everything that needs to be done! Hopefully there won't be much downtime! Danny
for emergency posting needs... bookmark it now, once priuschat is down, you won't be able to get there from here!! :mrgreen:
although it would only make a small amount of difference, if you are using the Mozilla browser, under the view menu you can alter the size of your text only from 50% to about 500%. this will not make a huge difference since the larger text would still create side scroll bars. but since it only changes the size of the text, you will gain some benefit from it.