I was driving on the highway, beside the concrete wall that divides the two directions. Suddenly, I saw a deer in the air, jumping from the other side of the wall. It landed on my windshield before I realized what was happening. The windshield smashed and the hood opened. I couldn't see a thing. I tried to hold the wheel and stop the car. Then I guess I hit the the concrete side wall and stopped. All the air bag discharged. I walked out unharmed, except a little bit disorientated. The Prius was actually beeping. Then I powered off it. I smelled a strong smell of burning plastic. I looked the front, the coolant for ICE was ok. but the coolant for the hybrid system was gone. The window wash tank was fine but the right head light was gone. Now my Prius is at dealership's bodyshop. the Adjuster has inspected the car. The preliminary estimation is over 13k. I guess they will fix it because I just bought it for one month. I think I was very lucky because it was rush hour on the highway and I didn't get hit by other cars. Now I am concerned about my Prius, will it be completely restored? This is my first accident and I would like to hear any experience on restored Prius after accident. Do they have any guarantee on the restored Prius?
Wow...I'm glad that you were not hurt. That must have been so scary, especially since deer through windshields could easily result in major injuries. Keep us posted and wishing you the best of luck. SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
I don't know if they will fix it or not. They sent me a long list of parts will be changed. they will use 3rd party parts for A/M Inverter cooler, windshield, AC condenser, A/M condenser.
major bummer! glad you're okay. i don't think the car will ever be the same. maybe it depends on the bodyshop. this happened to my daughter and the car seemed fine, but as the years went by, odd things happened that just didn't seem right. all the best, i hope they total it for you.
If it amount to sheet metal and component damage I think you will be ok. If they have to put it on a frame jig and pull/straighten any of the structural members, I wouldn't accept anything less than a new car. I'm glad that you came though this unscathed. I could have been disastrous.
I am thankful you were not hurt. Hitting a several hundred pound deer is no joke. People die from that.
Once when I was driving my Tacoma 4x4, a deer came out from the side of the road and jumped clean over the hood to the other side while I was moving at about 40MPH. It was an impressive display of agility and timing, and I still don't believe it happened. But I guess he knew it was either jump or get squished. this episode turned out pretty well, usually people wind up with a dead deer in their lap.
I'm no physicist, but I expect that the extreme slant of the windshield helped to keep the deer from coming thru it. I'm glad things turned out as well as they did for you. And good luck with the Prius! Q10 ? 2 Man! Are there any stories of the poor mom getting wiped out yet little joey (in pouch) survives? Q10 ? 2
Oh yes, quite common. There are volunteer wildlife rescue services who look out for such occurrences. Because the early stage joey is still almost an embryo it often goes unnoticed and dies hidden in mum's pouch.
A friend of mine once worked for AAA. He said that once the frame is bent, it's basically totaled. But otherwise, they can fix it. I hit a deer with my old Corolla. Luckily, I only had damage to the radiator, front grill and hood. I just pulled the radiator away from the fan, stopped every 15-20 miles to make sure I had water in the radiator, and drove home for about 150 miles (I wouldn't do that with my Prius). Worked fine once it was fixed. Mike
Yeah. The cars now days have crumple zones that are part of the complete safety engineering. Insurance companies are reluctant, if not adamant about not authorizing any of those kind of repairs. That's one of the reasons our insurance rates are so high.
Very surprised they haven't totalled it yet. I almost hit a deer last week...after his "headlights" look, he sprung around and retreated thankfully.
Yes... poor thing. [sarcasm]Minding it's own business running along and then a Prius had to murder it. Prius, great on gas, murders defenseless animals! BAN THE PRIUS!!!! [/sarcasm] Sucks about the car. I'd be all pissed. Probably cry also. (Of course if they were going to repair it I would trade it in immediately. It'll never be right again.)
Glad your okay. The other day a deer ran out in front of me. Luckily I knew I was the only car on the road. He was running perpendicular to my direction and I hit my brakes. Close one! He was about 3-4 feet from my car. Thank you HIDs! Honestly, if it wasn't for that ugly bowing in the beam it might have been to late.
Don't be surprise if you start to notice weird things with your Prius be it mechanical (such as engine, suspension, electrical) or if its cosmetic (paint, panel misalignment, loose screws, non-mechanical rattling or sounds). You can't realistically compare 1-3 body shop workers dismantling/reassembling using 3rd party parts vs. Toyota factory w/ trained assembly line and precisely calibrated machines using carefully engineered/produced parts. Not to scare you, there's body shop work that comes out great. But just be aware that any small clip or screw that's not put on or torqued correctly can lead to annoyances such as rattling, panels coming loose, or maybe something more major in the long run. My car was involved in a minor rear end a couple months back. After taking it twice to a body shop that I TRUSTED, it now has swirl marks when in direct sunlight and looking at an angle, and a very slight misalignment on the driverside where rear bumper meets qtr panel. Of course, I did not notice when inspecting it initially, and of course I can take it back due to lifetime warranty, but it has now become more of a hassle to do so. I've just accepted it bc I'm the only one that notices it.
make sure you get a OE - Toyota DENSO condenser. I mostly fined after a body shop repairs a Prius and recharges the air conditioning the a/c compressors dies after 9 to 18 months later. This is were I see most of my Prius a/c work comes from other shops that recharged it before. It usually always works when it leave the shop but dies later.