I was surprised to find them adequate last winter. Though most of the time I was driving Bruiser (FJ Cruiser). Until an 18 wheeler tried to destroy it. Then I had to drive Pearl S for a month waiting for the repair to be done. They were fine on ice and in snow - dry snow that is. Not sure what they're like in wet snow.
your prob fine. I have stock Yokohama's and live in NW Indiana never had a problem. I know different tires but same idea. I'm sure they can be that different.
I drove in one early season snow storm w/the stock all-season tires last winter- they seemed OK.... but I was pretty nervous with them. After that I ordered the Michelin X-ICE tires and rims from Tire Rack. Next storm came and I was ready- and very impressed with the X-ICE tires. They were great for starting and stopping and even cornering in the snow. I was most surprised that I got the same mpg with them as I did w/the stock all-season tries.
I have a set of gen II wheels with Firestone winter force tires on the, they were amazing. I drive all over the Midwest and my Prius could get anywhere. Takes a hit on mpg, but worth it IMO. If I end up getting rid of my Prius I will have them for sale, the tires are like new, rims are okay. Lmk if interested, I work in the Chicagoland area most days.
Bridgestone what? EP20? They will get you through the first winter, barring blizzards, but once they get down to 5~6/32" remaining tread depth they will be useless. We're using Michelin X-Ice 195/65R17 on Corolla steel rims, it's hard to tell you have snow's on (well, apart from the look), have barely got any snow in the last winters though.
Do you use winter tires on your other cars? I don't, and had no problems this past winter. There are some who have strong opinions on this subject. I'm sure one will be along soon.
I have snow tires for both of my fwd cars. Could I get by without them? Absolutely. Do I feel more comfortable with them on? Do I feel more comfortable with my wife and my child driving with better gripping tires? Definitely. I have 2 sets of rims and tires, I don't think of it as a financial hit as tires last much longer. Cost wise comes out about the same. Never ran snow tires until I had a lexus gs430. Rwd with 17" low profile tires didn't get me anywhere. Once trying snow tires in that car and seeing the extremely noticeable difference in turning, stopping and taking off abilities, I was sold.
As I said earlier, I drive the FJ Cruiser most of the time in the winter. But when Pearl S needs new tyres she will get Nokian WRG2 or whatever they become when that happens. They are great, as they work well in any season. And here in the "Great White North" we have to be ready for snow at all times. eh.
This x2. Well worth it for the added margin of safety, particularly with braking and turning, that 4 winter tires add to this car.
Now is a good time to look for winter tires. Blizzak Bridgestones are $89 and Michelin XIce are $104 in 15" at Tirerack. If you wait for rebates you can sweeten the deals. I bought 17" Michelin XIce for $90 each and a $70 rebate a couple of months ago.
Oddly enough, when I lived in Upstate NY, I never had winter tires. Did fine with all season, always felt fine even in decent accumulation. Down here, I don't know if it is the hysteria that grips the DC area during winter weather, but I feel like the roads are worse. I know the treatment/plowing isn't close to what I saw in NY, and the other drivers are awful. Leaving the house at 5am and not knowing what us waiting for me on a January morning is what will probably drive me to get some Xice tires for the new car. Didn't for my old car because I never knew how long I'd keep it. Plus the Defenders/Harmony tires were pretty decent.
Michelin X-Ice on stock 15" wheels here. I've been running X-Ice on my last few vehicles and have been very impressed, even on a RWD Dakota pickup. With the Prius, don't expect to be able to punch the throttle and spin the wheels to pull out of a slippery driveway or side street. The car is designed not to allow that to protect the electric motors. Slow and easy wins the race.
I got the Snow tires and some nice cheap aluminum rims about a month after buying my Prius. They were fantastic in the snow around here. even got me through my drive with 4"-6" of snow covering it. It was fun watching the snow go up and over the Prius. Kinda like that old Jeep commercial. I could of probably got by without it but why chance it. IF it get's really bad, I have a couple of jeeps to drive... I got the package deal from Tire Rack, mounted and ready to attach for less than $500.00