Does Maryland have a Lemon Law? In states with such laws, if the dealership cannot fix the problem within some specific number of attempts, they have to take the car back and refund your purchase price.
Did you just drop it off in order for the regional tech to drive it? If so, I think maybe you need to have someone with authority, such as a person from the regional office, to go with you and let you demonstrate what is happening. Both of you could drive the car over the same route, and then take another one from the dealership, as another poster suggested, and repeat the exercise over the same route, again with both of you driving. That should clear up once and for all if there is a problem specific to your car. Another option before you give up might be to cross the tires to see if you have one with a bad tread, which will cause it to pull the other way. If you just give up, it is going to cost you a lot in depreciation to get out of that car.
Definitely drive another one off the lot, and see if it handles least then you will know for sure you have an issue. Dan
Offhand , i think my car tracks amazingly straight. If you want to try mine out sometime, you're welcome to it.
I noticed this on mine but it seems to have gotten better over time even though I only have about 6K on it. Maybe I just gained experience and compensate unconsciously. It was not an issue on a 10 hour road trip. The home link automatic day night mirror is my only significant complaint. I have to shine a flashlight on the sensor to dim the lights behind me enough.
I don't notice any problem with my car but I noticed it on a friend's Mazda 3. It was very unnerving having to do slight corrections constantly on the freeway. He said he didn't notice. I drove it again a few years later and the problem was gone. So I guess it could go away or I'm crazy.
I've noticed when tires are new they can have a bit of wander in them. Which goes away as they break in. Kind of like they put to much rubber on them or something.
There have been some discussions on other threads here about the automatic mirror. I wonder if it has to do with the height and seating position of the driver. I'm a shade over six feet tall, but I also have the seat raised up in my PiP. I like to sit fairly tall and straight while driving. That means that the mirror is tipped up a bit in order to see straight out the back. I have never had a problem with lights to the rear reflecting off the mirror in any of my three Prius with the automatic mirror. That makes me wonder if someone sitting lower, with the mirror tilted downward, has the sensor also pointing at a downward angle where the lights are not hitting it. I will ask my daughter if she has a problem with her liftback Prius. Now if it is a question of not dimming enough to compensate, maybe that is a different problem.