I found some el-cheapo LED fog lights bulbs for my Plug in Prius for 7 bucks: Even though the original fog light bulb on the Prius says it's a H16, the H11's actually fit the housing. I'm not sure why the light says one thing, but I guess that's another mystery. The fog lights came pretty quickly (considering they were from China?). Upon opening the package, I noticed that the actual LED stalk was not securely fastened to the housing and had a little wobble. It seems as though they were originally glued or soldered but came loose. The main thing holding it together is probably just the wire connection inside the light. Also, there were little shards of glass and I'm not sure where that came from because the actual LEDs looked fine. Perhaps just some junk in the wharehouse? Overall, it looked like pretty sloppy construction. The actual plug fits perfectly and they the bulb lights up without an issue. Getting them to twist into the housing is a problem though. I had to use wire snips and trim each of the three tabs by about 1-1-2mm on each side. I also used some pliers and straighted out the tabs. After about three attemps of trimming and adjusting I finally was able to get the fog light in and twist it to lock it in place. As far as how they work, I think they look awesome. Obviously since it's a LED it doesn't actually help as a true fog light. From about 2 feet out, it does nothing. I wouldn't recommend installing if you actually have fog in your area. However, if you're looking for that white look, then these will work fine. Overall, this is what I expect for 7 bucks. Afterall, you get what you pay for. I'm not sure how long they will last with the loose housing, but Ill report back in a few months if they are still holding up. Overall rating: 6/10: Buy at your own risk as it's not a fool proof install, but it is dirt cheap and about 1/4 the price of other LED fog lights
I went to install the other LED and it looks like the wire broke off from the base. I contacted the eBay seller to see what they can do. Not worth the time though I should have just ordered them from carid.com ;-)
Either way, it's non-returnable as you've modified it and they'll argue doing so caused it to break off. The owners manual (at least the 2010 version) says it's a H11 so I'm not sure where you're seeing H16.
eBay vendor got back to me and apologized for the issue and asked if I wanted a new set or refund. I opt'd for the refund and will order the carid fog lights. When you take the fog light out and look at the bulb it says H16 so that's why I was confused on why the H11 fit. This is on a 2012 Advanced Prius PiP
I ordered the carID 420 lumen fog lights. A few issues: I didn't realize they were 32 dollars EACH. I had the same issue with the bulbs not fitting. I had to cut back about 1/8 inch off of the longest of the three tabs and then it "turned" in easily. Overall, the quality of the bulbs was superb and they look great. I just wasn't planning on spending 65 dollars though. Perhaps the el-cheapo fog lights are the way to go as long as you get a good pair.