I was wondering what's everyone's age for those who own their prius. I'm 25 years old and I swear I'm the youngest person driving a Prius. I also own 2003 Lancer Evolution and a when I see a fellow LanEvo owner we flag each other down. I tried doing that with a few prius and they look at me like I'm some kind of hoodlum. Yes I wear the flat brim hats, but can I at least get wave back? Hahaha. I find funny, but I'm just curious what everyone's age is.
I was wondering what's everyone's age for those who own their prius. I'm 25 years old and I swear I'm the youngest person driving a Prius. I also own 2003 Lancer Evolution and a when I see a fellow LanEvo owner we flag each other down. I tried doing that with a few prius and they look at me like I'm some kind of hoodlum. Yes I wear the flat brim hats, but can I at least get wave back? Hahaha. I find funny, but I'm just curious what everyone's age is.
I'm 54 and can't get other Prius drivers to acknowledge me either lol, whereas my 17 year old son gets people coming over to him in his 71 Beetle to have a chat about it
25 here driving a Prius as well. Didn't bother doing the way on this car because there are so many of them. When I had my Scion xB they were rare enough to get a wave back.
43 with gusts up to 60 haha. I have noticed older drivers look but don't wave back and twice now I've come out of the store to find a prius parked next to me. With that said I've only had my prius for a week....
I can say this, I'm mid-40's and I feel more comfortable discussing "Prius" than my previous vehicle, The Honda Fit. At the most popular "Honda Fit" owners forum, there were good informational posts and threads, but so much of the discussion on ownership seemed to be 20 somethings and 30 somethings all wanting to talk about how they were going to lower their Honda Fit to millimeters above the pavement. Or some other "Youthful" modification to their vehicle that my rapidly aging sensibilities could not really grasp. However, it might be my imagination but it seems with continued mainstreaming of The Prius, and the introduction of The Prius c, that the demographics are trending towards youth. Even in Prius Chat I'm seeing more threads and discussions from what I would guess are younger owners that ghost discussions I saw in the Honda Fit forums, that is the desire to lower The Prius, and or wrap it in Faux Carbon Fiber. This is cool....(old term)....I'm sure Toyota wants to reach as diverse a buying public as possible, and it's nice to own a vehicle that seems to hold an appeal to an wide age demographic. But I'll go on record right now....my latest "mod" was the application of a pair of those "old man" convex mirrors. And I have absolutely no desire to lower my Prius even an inch. Infact?...I actually wish it was a little higher, I've scrapped the front pulling into the grocery store to get my Ensure Vitamin drinks.
Here are some of the previous polls, totaling many hundreds of votes: Poll: Age Demographics of Prius c Buyers Age of 2010+ Prius owners What is the average age of the Prius owner? Average age of Prius owners? What age are Prius owners? Average Age... (Just for Fun)
The Prius WAVE Was a big thing u until 2006. At that point there were too many Prius to wave at. My Age 65 another driver in house age 43
No matter how old I get there will always be some kind of modifications going on. Haha. Just a different crowd in guess. It would be cool to meet people my age and chitchat about our prius here.(south Carolina). I was the only person to order the lowering springs from Toyota.
i wonder what the average age outside cali is vs inside? i've never noticed anyone around here that looks under 50.
I am 58. At my age I wanted a car that I WANTED not what I needed. After looking around I was surprised the Prius met all my needs I wanted in a car. The Prius four did this.
The prius is exactly what I wanted. Around here you just don't see to much of my age group. Not that it bothers but just a little curious around the nation...possible world. One concern is what if you see a young thunder cat like myself walk out of a prius? What are your first impressions? Haha....because I know I would be shocked and than go say what's up. Haha. Again just curiosity. My parents can't believe that I bought a prius vs some kind of "fast" car.