I was driving my car fine suddenly ac stopped cooling nd these signs appeared. I am uploading the pictures. Please help if anyone can.
Could be the inverter coolant pump died, inverter overheated, this shuts off the AC. You need a scanner to retrieve the error codes, or turn on the car and feel for fluid movement in the coolant hoses that leave the inverter. (one on the reservoir the other is low but on same side as reservoir).
I have arranged for a scanner. I will try to get the codes in the morning. I will share with you guys.
I will.check for the movement of th coolant as well. There are two different fluids? One which runs in the radiator and cools the engine? And there is another fluid and pump which circulates in?
There is no turbulence. I just started my car and put the car to ready mode and there wasn't any turbulence.
I have got my car checked. Its code is PA093...inverter pump error. Need to replace it? Can it be repaired? Any information about that it can be replace under Toyota Limited Service Campaign of replacing the faulty inverter pump?