Today in my C I hit a pothole so hard that both right tires were damaged and must be replaced. They didn't blow out, each one got a 1 inch cut. I was in very remote location and was lucky one of them survived at about 10 psi so I could move to the nearest town after replacing the totally deflated one. I'm worried that structural like springs or other components are also damaged but not evidently. Any suggestion what to check considering the nearest Toyota service is 200 miles away? Sent ?
If your C1 didn't have alloy wheels your lucky. If it did you would could be buying new wheels as well. Alloy's damage easily from pot hole caused flats. Especially if you drive on them after the flat. As strongbad suggests any repair shop that does alignments can tell. Good luck!
Poor driving habits damaged your tires. Don't drive through big holes in the road. Look where you're going I would take it to an alignment shop and have it inspected for other damage and alignment issue's
Today I went to a tire shop and replaced both damaged tires. They did an alignment test and everything looks right. After all it seems I was lucky not damaging the alloy rims or any other expensive-to-repair system. Thanks for you suggestions. Sent ?
Hahahahaha! Yes, but never anything big enough to damage my cars/motorcycles tires or rims. I avoid the big stuff and always look where I'm going. My father was a steel hauler and taught me how to drive @ age 10. Riding a motorcycle without being proactive is a death sentence. KYEOTR
I'm a careful driver (usually). But going on a flawless road a rainy day only makes an ideal scenario for a failure: how do you distinguish the next puddle (which is concealing the pothole and has a width of the full lane) from the prevous ones? BTW, mine was the third car that day arriving at the tire shop. Maybe they digged the pothole to create demand Sent ?
Most of the roads that we all drive each day are familiar to us. Because roads in general are not maintained properly, it is important that we all memorize the path that we drive. I know all the potholes along my way and am alert to avoid them. It is all a probability game and the more of the holes you avoid, the less likely that you will be buying new tires and or rims.