After a few weeks of researching, test-driving, and wrangling with the decision whether to buy or not, I went ahead and purchased a new-to-me 2010 Blizzard Pearl Prius which I will pick up tomorrow morning. It was listed at the Hyundai dealer as a Prius I, but I think it is a package II?? How do I tell? Paid ~$15.5k before taxes and DMV fees - I'm sure I could've done better on the price, but really wasn't in the mood to haggle for a few bucks and I thought it was a fair price for a 1-owner car with only 17,800 miles (!!) on the odometer. Carfax checks out fine and car is in excellent shape as expected from previous low usage, with only 2 minor scratches and 1 very minor ding by rear wheel arch. Test drive revealed quiet, solid ride with no rattles or shakes - I was a little concerned about that being the first model year of the Gen III. I commute about 70 miles/day, and I'll be coming from a '04 Civic that averaged 33 mpg combined. So a nice savings in gas expenditures, but the main reason I want to move into a Prius is to take advantage of the HOV lane exception (Clean Pass NY). If I can save an average of 15 minutes each way on my commute, I figure I can regain over 5 full days of my life back each year. With a young child at home now, that to me is priceless!! Looking forward to the adventure of Prius ownership and getting valuable information from other owners on this site!
I believe package 1 are only available as fleet vehicles Check the vin with the Toyota dealer to know for sure
Model III and above have additional rear door speakers (squakers) on the upper trim. Model II will not and will not have NAV.
The NY HOV lane still accepts new registrants with hybrids? I thought they required a plug now? I know California does, that's what the white stickers are. Anyways, congrats on the car. The 04 civic is pretty nice and 33 combined is not bad. I had an 01 EX coupe 5sp, which is the same generation as the 04 and we had an 05 civic hybrid. Nice cars. The savings from 30mpg to 50mpg is pretty awesome. There are lots of reports of squeaks and rattles on the GenIII, but personally I have not seen any of these and it seems to be hit or miss. Those with the rattles, have them and notice them and it ruins their life. The rest of the people have no issues. As for if you have a I or a II, the easiest thing is if you have Cruise Control. No Cruise Control means you have a I, and like mentioned above those are generally only fleet vehicles, sometimes sold to rental companies as well. A package II is pretty much the lowest you can buy if you walk into a normal dealership. Congrats on your purchase and welcome to the not-so-exclusive club of awesomeness. You will start to notice all sorts of cool things the Prius can do that are benefits of being a hybrid. We are now a 3 hybrid household because they are just so much fun, reliable, quiet, smooth, and the list goes on.
Yes, NY HOV still gives stickers to hybrids. Per NY DOT website: Eligible Vehicle Criteria: • Vehicles which are certified to the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard and achieve a United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more; or• Pre-model year 2005 hybrid vehicles which are certified to the California Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard and achieve a USEPA highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more. I don't know how long this will last since the HOV is getting rather congested, but I *assume* any vehicle with a sticker will be grandfathered in should any changes be made. Now I'm just (im)patiently waiting for the bank to open so I can get my certified check. Then it's off to the dealer to pick up the car!
Sounds like a good deal. I bought my Blizzard white 3 from a Hyudai dealership as well. 17, 000 miles? Your practically a new car. Congrats SPH-L900 ? 2
sounds like a good price, if gas keeps going up you can sell it back and make a profit...................... lol
First day of ownership and I'm impressed (with the fuel economy, at least). Trip from dealer to my office was 39.0 miles, at 55.1 MPG! Woot! Put on another 50.1 miles coming home and running errands, and that segment netted 49.2 MPG. Really looking forward to learning how to reasonably squeeze the most out of this car. However, other than the fuel economy, there is really nothing exciting about driving this car. But having the car "pay back" its cost in gas $ savings is exciting enough. There'll be time for another "fun car" when I hit my mid-life crisis...which should be soon...
Congrats on the car. Great price and super low miles. You stole that car from the dealer ! More time with the family and more money in your pocket on gas savings congrats!
Yes, it is a 2. While shopping I noticed a lot of pre-owned Prius were advertised as "Prius I", when they obviously were not. (i.e. navigation screen or cruise control stalks can be seen in vehicle pictures)
First fill up (albeit small one after only 284.8 miles) netted 54.1 MPG hand calcaulated (54.2 mpg showed on the trip odo). Gonna really work on improving on that a little bit and try for the high 50's. Can't wait until this crazy heat wave is over so I don't have to run the A/C constantly! (I gladly sacrifice MPGs in the name of comfort - I hate the heat!!!)
That is actually very good. I average about 46 MPG but my last fill up was 36 MPG. I have had vacation for 2 weeks and every day just making very short trips 1-3 miles long several times a day blasting the AC just kills your gas mileage. The terrain is hilly where I live. One day I took a one hour conference call for work and pulled over and ran the car with AC while I listened to the phone and had my PC running. Horrible mileage since the ICE was running to keep the car battery charged
I was able to achieve pretty good MPG numbers during the week because I have been commuting the same route to/from work every day for 14 years, so I know all the nuances of both the roads and rush hour traffic. Makes is easy to practice fuel efficient driving techniques. Completely different on the weekend, towing the family around to various places, and blasting the A/C while the car idles for 20 minutes while I run into the store solo because my son is sleeping in the back... Still, I'm at about 52mpg so far for my current tank, so I'm not complaining. My wife was fairly adamant against me getting the Prius, since we already own 2 cars and she barely drives hers, but today she was asking me all sorts about questions about the HSI. She's coming around...