The passeneger front seat seems to be creating a rattle while the car is moving. I have played around with adjusting the seat forward and back. It seems to improve when the seat is all the way back. I looked under the seat and nothing is loose. The only thing that I can related it to is when you move the seat forward and back you have to really jimmy the seat to make sure it locks into place. Anyone else experiencing something similar??
I find that the passenger side seatbelt knocks againt the side of the car sometimes. Could that be it?
I had a similar rattle in my car that was driving me nuts until my father in law found out it was that little shelf in the top glove box. Now no rattle. It sounded like it was coming from the seat also
I had a rattle that sounded like it was coming from the passenger seat. It turned out to be some tree seeds caught in the cabin air filter.
I had a rattle coming from under the passenger seat, I felt around until I found a penny by one of the amplifier legs. Seemed too simple
I had a similar rattle, knew it had to be the seat but found it was a ballpoint in the passenger door compartmant. Removed it and rattle went away.
Ha! And I just found a major "rattle" in my Prius. It's been bothering me on and off, but tonight it was just TERRIBLE. But at least it let me figure out where it was REALLY coming from -- the sunglasses holder! Yep, it was my sunglasses rattling up there with an awful clatter. I guess I put them in differently tonight and they just made more noise. Now the cabin is delightfully quiet.
I had a passenger seat rattle in my 06, and it was coming from the lower back side of the seat angle adjustment level cover rubbing against the mount on the floor. I put a piece of duct tape in between to fix that noise. You can sit behind the passenger seat and wiggle it to see that exact spot. Good Luck!
That sounds like the most likely culprit. I will check it out. The duct tape doesnt' intefere with the mechanism working??
Whoops I meant to post a reply to your post and not the sunglass post. Did the duct tape intefere at all with the seat angel adjustment functioning?
The duct tape will not interfere will the ratchet operation at all as the part is just the plastic cover. The tolerance between the plastic parts are just too tight on mine or maybe a bit misshaped. It annoyed me for several days before I had a chance to troubleshoot it. Post and let us know if that's what you have. LOL
I think your duct tape solution was the fix. The rattle seems to have stopped. This rattle was very bothersome. It would go away as the car warmed up during the day or when someone sat in the passenger seat. But when the seat was empty it would constantly rattle. If anyone else is experiencing this problem you should try the duct tape solution.
I've already noticed several annoying rattles, mostly coming from the dash - my only real complaint about the car so far. I also have one coming from the passenger side of the car - I can at least temporarily eliminate it my quickly punching the button to lower the passenger side front window. Just have to be careful to put it back up when I get to wherever I'm going in case of rain.