Recognizing up front that the HHR belongs in the PT Cruiser genre---to me it's a downsized panel truck with windows---I nevertheless kinda like it. The faux chrome grille does look a little cheesy, like a bolt-on accessory, but still... I looked at one close-up at a dealer. It's in the Corolla price range, although you can add $10K worth of stuff and kick it up into the Prius price range. The interior looks OK. But what stands out, to me, is the 30 MPG highway rating (with a 2.4L 4-banger). What cars is the HHR competing with, MPG-wise, while it tries to create a niche for itself? Why is the engine 2.4 instead of, say, 1.7? Performance over economy again? Is is just another Cavalier-platform "lower-end" vehicle with nothing going for it but a retro look? Did GM choose to "compete", in this case, only with the PT?
I also like the looks if it. Seems like a very practical car. Starting to see a fair number of them around.
If it's a truck, it's quite possible that people may use it to, ya know, move stuff. So a 1.7 that offers 30 or 40 less horsepower is just going to irritate people. Compared to the Matrix, the only one that delivers comprable HP to the 2.4 is the XRS, which gets 25/32 from 1.8L. So the HHR has a bigger engine which delievers roughly the same milage and a bit more power (and a lot more torque).
I like the looks of the HHR. I like the funky color, kind of orange, I think. Does it have amber turn signals? That's a must-have on all cars for me. Nate
Crap, it looks like it's the old-style "brake light consumption" type rear lighting. I refuse to drive a car with lights like this after I got hit in my 85 Ranger during a lane change (the other driver coudn't see the turn signal). GM's old SUV's used to have a nice, amber turn signal. It looks like their new ones do not, I hope they haven't gone back to "brake light consumption" again. Nate
i think it's ugly as sin. fascinatingly ugly. like a train wreck you can't take your eyes off. yuck. i wouldn't drive it if chevy paid me to.
Dammit, G. I love you more and more every day. :wub: Can't stand 'em. From the first one I ever saw live I just don't like 'em. Can't even say that I can rationalize it. But like Jack said, it's like the PT Loser and I can't stand those either.
You're funny! That's what some say about our Prii, unfortunately. I think it's an interesting vehicle. For a utility vehicle, I think it looks quite smart. You're, of course, entitled to an opinion. I, nonetheless, enjoyed your opinion!
^_^ i'm loved, and i'm funny! and someone, yes more than one person even, agrees with me! yes! today was a good day after all. i needed that. :wub: