I just got XM radio yesterday, and find that I love it! But I cannot choose only 18 presets! Let's hear what you all like for channels. I currently am liking 80's, 90's, MIX, CNN, C=SPAN, XM Comedy, and E! What else is out there! SO much to listen to, so little time in the car!
Mix, Sunny, the 40s, CNN, MSNBC, traffic for Baltimore and Washington, BBC, Nashville. It really depends on the time of day and how I feel at the time. There are several others that I have listened to for more than just a quick test. I love that you can find something to match your mood or to make your passenger (23 year old son) wish he weren't in the car. :lol:
MTV, VH1, 90's, Mix (ch22), Kiss (ch21), XM Comedy (ch 150) and last but not least Xtreme Comedy Ch 152 Monsters of the Morning (radio show from 6-11 AM out of Orlando, FL) XM is really addictive!!
Hank's place, Nashville, Highway 16, Top tracks, Squizz, Audio Visions, Cinemagic, XM Raw, Dallas/Ft. Worth traffic. That sums up the ones off of the top of my head.
Let's see... Top Tracks, Deep Tracks, Ethel, 90s on 9, MixXM, Hwy 16, Cinemagic, XM Comedy, ESPNRadio....more to come I'm sure
Fox News, XM Xtreme(The David Lawrence Show), Broadway Hits,80's on 8 , VH1 Radio. In that order Peace, Fr. Bill
[font=Tahoma:c0caa8c472]Mine are Deep Tracks (far and away the most listened to channel), Top Tracks, Sixties on Six, Seventies on Seven, Eighties on Eight, Washington DC Traffic channel, Fine Tuning, Audio Visions, XM Kids & Disney Channel(for our spirited 2.5 year old), Air America Left channel, XM Pops, XM Classics, Frank\'s Place, Real Jazz, The Heart[/font:c0caa8c472]