I live in Southern California in an upscale coastal community. And every third car seems to be a prius. The last year or so i've been looking for houses (in a more inland community where the houses are cheaper). Most of these 'inlanders' don't drive prii... at least nothing compared to the coast where i currently live. I find it interesting that many people who drive prii in Southern California also have a Porsche and an Escalade in the driveway. I think this is slowly changing, but its an interesting observation. I have many friends who are immigrants from Mexico and none of them are buying my prius argument yet. I'm kind of lower middle class...(I'm a high school teacher & college adjunct) & the 2007 prius i recently bought is the nicest car i've ever owned. So what do you folks think? Who buys prii? What type of income do they typically have? What is their education level? I teach history and economics so this is an interesting topic for me... I have a couple of advanced degrees and I'm thinking that alot of prii owners do. [And of course we all have that prius swagger... we think that we are smarter than everyone else who drives 'gas guzzlers' like honda accords, etc. lol... j/k]. cheers, -MB
Right now I believe that all hybrid purchasers are long term planners in finances and intelligent enough to see past the FUD. Long term planners are usually of a higher economic class than those who spend and live paycheck to paycheck. If you have $0 in your savings, need a new car, and have only part of your next paycheck to put forth, you probably can't afford the "prius premium". There is a link between IQ and income. No real links between IQ and wealth, but the smarter you are the more you tend to make. You may spend all of it just like someone making minimum wage, but you have more to spend. So paying the premium or buying newer cars is more affordable.
Sorry, but I must have slipped in. I like high tech and I've made some good or lucky choices in life. Best choice, one wife for life. No negative losses of finances, such as , divorce, alimony, child support, no division of assets, no lavish lifestyle, no loss of job, good health. My favorite definition of luck, the harder you work, the luckier you get.
i can't speak from first hand knowledge, but around here, where money doesn't seem to be an issue, it seems a small percentage of us drive it for socio economic reasons, and the rest drive expensive suv's and sports cars for personal pleasure/status reasons. i'm just guessing though.
Not sure about education relating to prius drivers, I'm a tradesman, possibly middle class. Vancouver demographics sound similar to California, lots of prii, the rest drive BMW/mercedes. With gas prices hitting $1.52 per liter today we have the most expensive gas in Canada, possibly North America right now. Combine this with being the 2nd most congested city in North America and only the most stubborn driving enthusiasts/prius haters and those with infinite bank accounts choose not to drive a prius, that's my theory anyway
I earn a 6 figure income working 3 days a week. I bought a 2008 Prius with 4k miles. I now have 160k on it and plan to own it til 300k. Cars are commodities. I don't waste my money there. I play good offense and earn well, but I play good defense too and don't waste it on an SUV. I do however have a collection of motorcycles in the garage, some for racing, some for long trips. They are all over 4 years old, like in the book "The Millionaire Next Door"
I know relatively poor people who drive late-model BMW's, Mercedes, etc. I know some wealthy folks who drive beaters. Enough with the generalizations. People buy cars for a host of different reasons, some admirable, some not. It's their dime.
It could be due to multicorrelation, but I due tend to notice that prii owners are older. May be due to having more money? But, on the other hand, many may be inclined to buy a prius to help the environment, or at least reward Toyota for having the vision and commitment to make a product that helps the environment, rather than sending dollars to an oil company.
This makes sense. I may not be rich but I do have good credit rating. If it wasn't for that I could not afford a prius. For some reason although its not hugely more expensive than a conventional toyota, unless you are paying cash, the prius is very restricted as far as financing terms go(with TFS). Limited term length and very rarely if ever 0% financing, whereas a corolla or camry can be had for insane deals almost all the time, practically giving them away, cash incentives, etc.
i only know people who don't drive pri, and i have heard all the reasons. it's like asking what kind of person drives a chevy? there's no one kind.
I'm a construction worker that goes home everyday cover in mud/ dirt and stinky from sweating all day. I dropped out of high school then went back and finished. I don't have much and don't have any extra money. I'm not smart in the school way, or never fit in with upper class people. I bought it cause my math showed over the life of the car it would cost about the same as a car like the corolla. But i would burn less gas during the 10 years or so, but not really save any money and i was fine with that. Some guys at work think it's such a waste to have a new car payment and a prius, some of them spend 150 a week on gas for their 13mpg trucks. Thats more than my car payment plus gas, plus ins. Thats what i don't get.