Does anyone know where to tap into the speed sensor on a 2010? I have the JBL version without nav system and am trying to install a new head unit. I've seen the usual documents on line that show the speed sensor on connector L40 pin 3, but on my car that pin in not populated. (L40 is the one of the connectors going to the back of the factory head unit - for those who didn't know). The reason I think I need this is that my new head unit won't go into the "settings" mode unless the car is stopped and the parking brake/brake sequence has been preformed. I've added toggle switches to the two brake lines and ran through the sequence to no avail. I'm guessing that since the only connection I haven't made yet is the speed sensor line (because I can't find it), that is the one it is looking for. It would also be nice to know of a convenient place to tap into the brake and parking brake signals but I can get around that. Thanks for any help.
Thanks, but I have that document. Maybe I'm missing something so show me where it says the speed sensor is for L40, L41, or L45 (the connections I have on my car).
If I were you, I would try to ground the speed sensor input for tests. If I remember well from time when lot of people replaced HUs, the speed wire has been located at the amplifier under passenger seat. I think it is visible in pdf - SPD violet connection.
Thanks guys, but I found out that I really don't need that line. I went back in and started probing around on the speed sensor line, the brake line, and the parking brake line from my head unit. Come to find out that the parking brake line needs a pull-up and pull-down type switch to work correctly. I was only pulling it high with my switch. As soon as I also psudo-grounded it when the switch was off, the head unit allowed me to go into the settings menu. Thanks all for your suggestions/help. I've been taking pictures of the install process as I proceed and will post all of them when the install is complete.