I usually look at this graph to see gas price trends:,,&Unit=US%20$/G
Gasoline is actually too cheap here. GM, Chrysler and Ford are thriving because of truck sales -- which are driven by relatively cheap gasoline. Imagine the increased Prius sales if gasoline were $6 per gallon. And the higher the gasoline price, the more you save driving your Prius!
I reduced my price shock by being an owner of oil, not just a consumer of oil. The ticker symbol is "OIL", it's up 20% since April. Yeah, I'm paying more at the pump but I'm also making money from oil to pay for the gas.
Gas prices are great when they are high if you want to sell your Prius. Best trade-in time is when prices are over $4/Gallon!
It is also nice to just own a Prius when fuel prices are high, since we are paying ~ 50% the price jump as our neighbors.
True. I remember the days when I first got my 07 back in December of 06. It was SO NICE to fill up for under $20.00... Everyone I knew went on and on about how I paid a premium for a hybrid and I would never recoup my money based on gas prices... Of course, then they said that I was a genius when prices kept going up! Unfortunately, that reflects our culture... Reactive instead of proactive! If only we could plan ahead instead of waiting for the problem to occur and then going into full crisis mode to come up with a solution based on emotion rather than facts!
I think it is more a case of inability to perform arithmetic. E.g, if an SUV owner is bitching that fuel is $4 a gallon and I say "Yeah...that sucks. I pay $2/gallon." Most would have no idea what I am talking about. Continuing ... SUV owner: How ?! Me: I paid ~ $3000 more when I bought the car new, for a lifetime 50% discount. SUV owner: Is that worth it ? Me: Well, over the 10 - 15 years I'll keep this car, that works out to about $20 a month. Are you paying more than $40 a month for fuel ? SUV owner: scowls in concentration as the fuel pump hits $99.99 and stops.
What's really weird is that, even if by some magic gas prices went down by 50%, I'd still be driving economically and I wouldn't go faster just because gas is cheaper.
Yup...insane gas prices here in the Seattle area make me love my new Prius even more. I just rented a Ford Edge on a recent business trip...it was a nice car, but 22-24 mpg would be tough to swallow with my driving habits.
What are you all complaining about? I paid the equivalent of $6.25 /US gallon equivalent to day. ($1.69 per litre)
I noticed today that gas had jumped from 3.44 to 3.69 at my local and that jump happened just in the last few days. Thankful for 9 gallon fillups.
my 21mpg 2000 Honda CRV sucks at the pump, but i still cant justify a new car payment to make up the difference even at $4 A gallon
So True! If people look at the 2 year gas price chart they might think that the price just fluctuates a bit. But, when you look at the 10 year long term trend the picture is completely changed!
My old car got 22-23 mpg with Premium fuel, which is getting close to 4.30 gallon here in Seattle area. So nice having a Prius now! SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2