I just found this: I hope it will come with the next DVD Map Update !! Nomax [Broken External Image]:http://gazoo.com/nvis2/prius/kaze/img2/1_2a.jpg
Toyota got something even better then that in the works on the concept CS&S, a holographic display/interface [Broken External Image]:http://www.toyota-europe.com/media/global/images/showroom/concept_cars/css_03_kce_ben3.jpg http://www.toyota-europe.com/showroom/css/
The 3D interface is only available in Japan, where much more advanced traffic management and navigation systems are in place. In most of the US, we'll have to make do with plain old GPS for quite some time... http://neasia.nikkeibp.com/nea/200304/comn...net_238951.html for more info...